Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Competition fosters computer skills in New Mexico schools

    For over sixteen years Melrose Municipal Schools, a small rural school district which oversees the students of Melrose, New Mexico, sets aside funds for the Supercomputing Challenge, an annual science and engineering competition. Students from sixth to twelfth grade meet after school to learn about computer science. “Over 11,000 students have participated.” It has also led former students to find careers in computer science. An analysis “found that 100 employees out of around 10,000 were challenge alumni.”

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  • The Posse Foundation

    Jill Harkins writes, "As the research shows, it’s not enough to get students into college. We need to also get them through college, and into jobs." The Posse Foundation recruits driven and accomplished low-income students to attend partner colleges in 10-person cohorts, a model that the Foundation believes offers a built-in support system that may prevent students from dropping out when facing the stressors of a new and challenging environment. And that is just the beginning - the Foundation continues to provide students with support and career advice through and after graduation.

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  • Hole in the Fence

    In the 1980s the Mexican economy falls and a surge of undocumented immigrants begin crossing the Rio Grande river into El Paso, TX. Border Patrol agents begin stopping and questioning high school students near the border in Bowie High School. After one of the high school teachers finds out, the students began to organize, eventually suing border patrol for infringing on their constitutional rights. Ultimately, the high school students win a landmark civil rights case. “We couldn’t believe we took on the federal government and won.”

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  • Border Trilogy Part 1: Hole in the Fence

    In the 90s, a teacher at Bowie High School, located on the border city of El Paso, Texas, found out that hundreds of his Mexican-American students were being harassed and questioned by Border Patrol agents. Their fourth amendment rights were being violated and a group of students decided to fight back—they sued Border Patrol and won. The court ruled that Border Patrol violated their civil rights and the decision effectively barred Border Patrol from questioning people on the basis of their appearance.

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  • Long-Term Gains: Pre-K Programs Lead to Furthered Education Later in Life

    Child-Parent Centers (CPCs), Chicago-based early care education programs serving low-income children, opened their doors in 1967. A recent study of over 1,500 kids shows that students who enrolled in a CPC, which encourages full family involvement, were 47 percent and 41 percent more likely to go on to obtain an associate’s and bachelor’s degree respectively. Now, the study lead says, the question is “How do we implement these high-quality and highly effective programs at the state and national levels so all children have access regardless of their zip code?”

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  • The quest to help traumatized children learn

    The Philadelphia School District is working to integrate trauma-informed teaching and care into its strategy. It has partnered with Lakeside Global Initiative and the Institute for Family Professionals to offer trainings and classes that help educators understand how trauma affects learning, and what changes can be made to help those experiencing trauma learn. While over 850 teachers have taken the trainings, they are costly, and looking forward may be hard to sustain.

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  • At 25, Running Start is a success. Now it must attract students who need it the most.

    Washington state boasts one of the country's most established and successful dual-credit programs, allowing students to earn college credits while still in high school (at no cost). Some participants even graduate high school with an associates degree, significantly cutting potential student loans. Now the nationally recognized program is turning to face its own limitations - how can it increase access for low-income students, who only made up 5 percent of the 2016-2017 cohort?

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  • Reading, Writing, Evicted: How Austin, Texas, hopes to combat student turnover

    When families are priced out of their homes in hot housing markets because of increasing property values/rental prices, they often have to move to new educational districts, pulling children out of their schools in the middle of the year and stalling progress. In Austin, the Austin Independent School District is using a new tool, Mobility Blueprint, to help families find affordable housing within their educational district.

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  • A Root Cause of the Teacher-Diversity Problem

    In 2010, the U.S. District Court of Louisiana reissued a ruling originally given in 1975: desegregate faculty and fill open positions with qualified black applicants so that the black teacher ratio reflects the ratio of black students. Since 2010, the number of black hires has increased substantially and the achievement gap between black and white students has started to close. Northwestern University researchers are using this example to highlight an oft-ignored problem and potential room for a solution in the teacher diversity equation - biases in hiring practices.

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  • Public Montessori Schools

    Puerto Rico has seen success with the growth of its public Montessori school network - the alternative model, which encourages independent thinking and child-centric curricula, holds particular benefits for low income students and their families, studies have shown. Pennsylvania is now looking to follow Puerto Rico's lead.

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