Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How UWM peer Georgia State figured out how to graduate more black students

    From 2010 to 2017, the number of African American students awarded bachelor's degrees at Georgia State doubled - African American students now graduate at a slightly higher rate than their white counterparts. For the change, Georgia State credits its "GPS advising" system that leverages student data to intervene as soon as students show signs of slipping (a failed quiz, a missed class) and advises students on course planning for each major. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, with one of the largest graduation rate gaps between blacks and whites nationwide, is looking to replicate Georgia State's success.

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  • How Georgia State Stopped Students From Slipping Through The Cracks

    Georgia State University recognized that a large portion of their students don't graduate. They identified academic behaviours that correlate to flunking out and hired advisors to keep an eye on all students and contact them to help if a student exhibits one of these behaviours.

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  • Why Foster Care Students In Seattle Are Beating The Odds

    TreeHouse, a nonprofit in Washington state, achieved an 89 percent five year graduate rate for the hundreds of high school students in the foster care system it serves. This figure is a stark contrast to a 2010 statistic that found only 36 percent of foster students in King County and Seattle were completing high school. By providing the missing resources and guidance to students, TreeHouse hopes to expand the model to all Washington state counties.

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  • The Talking Cure

    At Lyons Community School in New York City, there's a different approach to discipline: Restorative Justice. Instead of suspending students for inappropriate behavior, teachers, and administrators try to talk it out with students. They see kid's emotional responses as a long-term project, rather than actions that should be treated with punishment. "Talking is how you are successful." Some students say the method is working.

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  • The push to find more gifted kids: What Washington can learn from Miami's wins

    In most "gifted" programs across the U.S., students are predominantly middle income and white, regardless of the variation in demographics between districts. Since the 1990s, Miami public schools have made it their quest to defy this trend and identify overlooked students who may be still learning English as a second language or whose potential may not be identified by traditional tests designed to find "gifted" students. In Miami, low-income and ESOL students take a different test than peers designed to account for certain stressors not present in other students' lives. Can Washington learn from this model?

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  • In a Refugee Camp, Classrooms Open Up to Somali Girls

    Somali girls are rejecting traditional norms, refusing to marry early, and continuing their education at the Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya. At the camp they have access to primary, secondary, and some postsecondary education. “When the camp was established in 1991, girls made up only 5 percent of the total number of young people in education in Dadaab, according to the Lutheran World Federation. Today, female students account for almost 40 percent of those in school.”

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  • How a struggling school for Native Americans doubled its graduation rate

    Since opening its doors in 2006, the Native American Community Academy has built up a school led by native leaders and centered around curricula informed by tribal cultures in New Mexico. The charter school has had remarkable success educating a population that has traditionally sat at the bottom of math and reading test score rankings and is now exporting its model to other tribes around the country.

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  • The Dutch Learn to Welcome Refugee Students

    In order to lower the dropout rate of Syrian refugees in Dutch schools, the Foundation for Refugee students launched a program called refugees@campus. The project pairs native Dutch students with refugees because they argue, connections are crucial to success. “Around 60 percent of refugees who complete a foundation program designed to prepare them for more strenuous study go on to enroll in a university. But 25 percent of those who enroll abandon their studies in the first year.” So far, 300 students have been paired.

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  • How one school is rising above gang activity to find college success

    Benito Juarez Community Academy in Chicago was once reputed for gang violence, struggled to support its predominantly minority students, and was had been on academic probation for nearly two decades. A revolutionary approach to academics that uses a skills-based model tailored to the needs of each individual student and emphasizes true mastery of a skill rather than memorization and regurgitation has had remarkable success, bringing Juarez up to among the top 50 schools in the state for graduation rates and test scores and making it a destination school for students of color.

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  • How one district solved its special education dropout problem

    The Covina-Valley School District in California reduced high school drop-out rates and chronic absenteeism among special education students by providing a more engaging environment and curriculum for students. Students are divided into three levels based on their levels of cognitive competence, and educators rewrote textbooks and curriculum to fit the varying needs and capabilities of students within each level, as opposed to putting all special students in one level. Another successful approach has been to combine general and special education staff meetings and increase curricular collaboration.

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