Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Lessons from under the coconut tree

    Boston professors visit countries and homes of foreign students to better understand their culture and gain insights about how to better teach them. The goal is to reach across cultural divides to help a big part of the student population — emigres from faraway lands — that is plagued with low standardized test scores and high dropout rates. Accompanying photojournalism:

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  • The “gifted” system in US schools is broken, racist, and completely fixable

    "Gifted" programs in the United States are often not representative of school populations, with a disproportionate number of spots going to white and well off students. The National Bureau of Economic Research found that when one district implemented universal screening programs in lieu of teacher referrals to identify gifted students, there was a 180% increase in disadvantaged students qualifying for the program.

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  • A Prescription for More Black Doctors

    On average, black students in public schools receive fewer resources giving them a late start. A mostly black university in New Orleans has increased overall achievement by developing students’ shared responsibility for one another’s success.

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  • International High: A Haven for Immigrant Students

    Students who learn English as a second language often struggle in school, but at International High, diversity is the model. Out of its 350 students, 40 countries are represented. Founded in 2005, the high school curriculum was modeled for ELL students who were struggling in traditional classrooms. It seems their strategy is working, their graduation rate was 61 percent for ELL learners, twice the rate than the rest of New York.

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  • Why are low income students not showing up to college, even though they have been accepted?

    Forty percent of low-income students accepted to college never start school because of a fear of debt and feelings they don't belong. A New York college access organization is using peer-mentoring to help perspective students jump over the hurtles.

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  • The Problem We All Live With

    At the height of desegregation, the achievement gap between white and black students decreased to 18 percent, compared to 49 percent. Evidence suggests integrating schools works, because it gives students of color access to the same resources as white students. Yet, schools remain largely segregated along class and racial lines. In Missouri, after Normandy School District in Normandy lost its accreditation, black students were given an opportunity to transfer into the much more affluent, and mostly white school district, Frances Howell. This episode shows the challenges of integrating schools.

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  • No Child Left Behind's One Big Achievement?

    Congress’s proposed rewrites of the law now known as No Child Left Behind, including the Senate’s widely touted Every Child Achieves Act, would weaken federal provisions meant to track the academic progress of students with disabilities. Those who fight for the disabled population are pushing back, saying the law's main strength was helping those with disabilities.

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  • D.C.'s Education in School Reform

    The ecosystem of D.C. charter schools that has evolved over the last two decades represents a cornucopia of creative and nontraditional approaches to education, in addition to fairly traditional college-prep schools, and is now producing some of the highest graduation rates, college acceptance rates, and average test scores in public schools in the nation.

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  • A low-income Brooklyn high school where 100 percent of black male students graduate

    The overall graduation rate for black male students in New York City was 58 percent in 2014 - student retention rates are equally poor. But one school achieved a 100% on-time graduation rate last year, motivating their students with a student-founded, student-sustained 'fraternity'.

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  • Language is the great equalizer at this school in Louisiana

    A program at a public school in Baton Rouge is using bilingual education to attract middle class families back into the public school system to increase diversity among the student population.

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