Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A pilot program in Iowa produces encouraging results for foster kids

    By putting a priority on rescuing children from danger in their homes by reducing the danger or placing the children in relatives' care, Iowa courts have greatly reduced the traumatizing use of emergency foster care placements with strangers. The program, which began with seven judges and has since spread statewide, starts with a simple list of questions that judges or social workers ask to identify specific solutions to problems other than the default mechanism of sending children to live in foster care, which can make their emotional problems worse.

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  • Biden plan: How tax credits might be the solution for family caregivers

    The Veterans Health Administration's Caregiver Support Program offers resources to family caregivers looking after veterans, including a monthly stipend, medical services, counseling and mental health care, respite care and coverage for travel expenses. The Program launched in 2011 and by 2014 about 15,600 caregivers had been approved for support — greatly exceeding the Program’s original estimate of 4,000 people.

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  • Germany's Promising Plan to Bring Conspiracy Theorists Back From the Brink

    The German government opened an office, known as Zebra (“not everything is black and white”) to help people dispel misinformation and conspiracy theories. Most clients are seeking help with loved ones who believe in conspiracy theories, misinformation, or are becoming radicalized. Clients receive in-person phone or video appointments with a neutral staff person, who helps them defuse conflicts, find commonalities, and address mental health issues. After the COVID-19 pandemic began much of the program’s work has been aimed at dispelling misinformation about the government’s response and the vaccine.

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  • How Nigerian Sign Language Interpreters Help Children Dispel Fear Of Coronavirus

    A team of sign language interpreters across Nigeria translated into indigenous Nigerian sign language, the internationally acclaimed book “My Hero is You” which helps children, their parents and caregivers understand and answer questions about the coronavirus. With the signing of this book into an indigenous Nigerian sign language, deaf signers can now reach out to their communities. They teach them in the sign language they understand, using local words to explain how the virus came to be and how to prevent its spread and protect their communities.

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  • Arizona program gives low-income parents a chance at career advancement

    Single mothers in Arizona are getting access to wraparound services that give them an opportunity for social and economic mobility. The Pathways for Single Mothers provides comprehensive services that include childcare, transportation, tuition, and an emergency fund.

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  • Turning workers' challenges into workplace assets

    Colorado legislation now bans wages that are even lower than the minimum wage for employees with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD). The antiquated law was initially enacted as an incentive for business owners but has been abolished by several states. The new law also provides access to job coaching, which disability advocates are thrilled about.

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  • Giving Voice: Service Transforms Life for Hearing Impaired

    The Mongolian Association of Sign Language Interpreters launched a free social media service that provides interpreters for people with hearing impairments. Using Facebook Messenger, the service allows clients to use video calls to talk with a sign language interpreter, who then reaches out to an institution or an individual on the client’s behalf. The initiative has six sign language interpreters and has fielded 3,543 calls. Interpreters help people get information and resolve problems, with most clients seeking assistance communicating with medical professionals and government welfare offices.

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  • Expanded Silver Alert system helps those with developmental disabilities

    Three years after Arizona added people with intellectual or developmental disabilities to the list of people who can trigger a public alert when they go missing, advocates say the state enjoys better coordination from one community to the next. While the numbers aren't tracked, advocates say many people on the autism spectrum or with other disabilities have been quickly found and returned to safety. The state expanded its Silver Alert program, originally for missing seniors, and other states are starting to follow suit. An alert can result in notifications by phone, news and social media, and highway signs.

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  • What 'gentle parenting' can teach us about care, relationships, and communication

    Triple P is a public health intervention led by schools, clinics, and governments to make the key principles of “gentle parenting” accessible to parents around the world. Parents receive support and coaching to create a safe and engaging environment for their children, promote positive learning environments, maintain reasonable expectations, shift from coercive strategies to helping children understand appropriate behavior, and practice self-care. There are low cost and online versions of the program to increase accessibility and parents who have taken the course report positive outcomes.

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  • Lummi Nation Creates a Community to Support Families

    The Lummi Tribal council created Sche'lang'en Village to provide a supportive community for Native families that have been torn apart by the foster system, drugs, or domestic violence. The more than 30 families accepted to the low-cost housing project receive a host of services to help them recover and build better futures. A disproportionate number of Native children are taken from their families into foster care, which damages not only families but the Native culture.

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