Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'It's a miracle': the scheme ending abuse against women in Tajikistan

    A program in Tajikistan developed to address high rates of abuse against women is showing remarkable results through a combination of family counseling and economic empowerment of women. The pilot project was created by five organizations and its initial results showed large decreases in rates of suicide and violence. It's part of the What Works To Prevent Violence Against Women And Girls Initiative and officials are hoping to find more funding to expand the project.

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  • Male involvement in home affairs leads to better discipline among children

    A community-based program in Uganda has helped reduce violence in families and gender inequity by training both parents in effective communication and parenting. Organizers focused specifically on recruiting men because they are often not involved in home life and are exposed to societal beliefs about masculinity that can perpetuate patterns of violence. The pilot program of 600 participants showed positive results in reducing family violence and other communities want to adopt it.

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  • Alternative to Incarceration Program in NYC Gives Teens a Second Chance

    Esparanza, a non-profit located in New York, provides comprehensive services for teenagers who are in the justice system. The intensive family counseling has been a successful alternative to incarceration since 2002, and research shows that the approach and other restorative justice practices are well suited for helping children who have been involved with the justice system lead healthy lives.

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  • How one state is using incentives instead of penalties to boost child support payments

    Washington State is using behavioral science and kinder, more compassionate communications to help encourage full payment of child-support from non-custodial parents. With their efforts, including friendlier communications and meeting reminders, hundreds more parents have been meeting child-support workers.

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  • The 'Cafes' Trying to Close the Breastfeeding Gap

    In Brooklyn, along with 2 other locations in New York, new mothers are receiving free lactation consultations, helping them to learn how to breastfeed their babies - but also building a sense of community for these mothers. While the ultimate goal of the so-called Baby Cafes is to lessen the barriers to breastfeeding, the community and support they provide are also essential to encouraging the practice.

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  • Vets twice as likely to fatally OD – what the Dayton VA is doing about it

    Providing a comprehensive approach helps veterans struggling with addiction. At the Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center, when VA campus police who identify drug-related cases, patients are also paired with social workers and representatives of job placement programs. The benefit plan of the VA system provides a range of services, including medical care, addiction treatment, counseling, and social services such as housing or job assistance.

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  • This crowdsourced map helps people find the kind of bathroom they need

    Road trips are hard for people who have special needs when it comes to using the restroom, whether that be for health or gender or other reasons. Inspired to make a change after having a daughter with a specific type of illness, Christina Ingoglia, who has a GIS background, created a crowdsourced “Restroom Map” where users can note inclusive restrooms to better improve the travel experience for many, with up to 260 spots plotted so far.

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  • What is the public health approach to violence — and does it work?

    Public health approaches to violence, in which different sectors and agencies treat it as a contagious disease, has gained support across the world and has taken many forms. This approach relies on data collection to inform policy and devise services, as well as routine checks on the effectiveness of interventions and scaling the ones that work. While the public health approach to violence has saved costs and reduced police-recorded violence, there are ethical concerns about the widespread data gathering.

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  • Putting Women Already in Jail First

    In North Tulsa, Still She Rises provides free legal help to mothers charged with crimes. But the services extend beyond that. Every client gets not just a lawyer, but also a client advocate to arrange a "holistic defense," helping the whole person with all of her challenges. Since its launch in January 2017, the group has defended 430 mothers. While not all cases end favorably, and while the group's broader social-change agenda remains a work in progress, clients get quality representation, which often saves families from the fallout from jail in a state with high female incarceration rates.

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  • Beyond the Stigma: Team goes door to door to help child victims of extreme trauma

    In New Hampshire, Manchester police have teamed with community organizations to proactively offer services to children who have experienced or witnessed trauma, before those very children grow up to repeat the cycle. The Advert Childhood Experiences Response Team (ACERT) "has contacted more than 1,000 children in about 700 families" since its inception in late 2015.

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