Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • One Cow Per Poor Family Initiative Improving Livelihoods In Eastern Rwanda

    The “one cow per poor family” initiative in Rwanda seeks to increase household income and fight malnutrition by giving families a cow to raise. Once the cow gives birth, the calf is given to another family to raise, keeping the process going. Since the program started in 2006, a total of 341,065 cows have been distributed and residents say it has improved their livelihoods.

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  • In Sierra Leone's swamps, female farmers make profits and peace

    With support and training from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund's World Food Program, an association of roughly 150 women in Matagelema, Sierra Leone have begun irrigating and farming inland valley swamps there for the first time. They are among more than 4,000 farmers now cultivating in the country's swamps, which provide a higher crop yield than upland farming and are located farther from conflict zones with the region's rutile miners.

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  • How India's Farmers Launched a Movement Against Modi's Farm Bills—and Won

    Protests among farmers in India led to the repeal of farm laws – passed in the midst of COVID-19 shutdowns – that privileged corporate interests over the livelihood of farmers. In some states, farm union members blocked railroads, prevented the collection of toll taxes on roads, and blocked gas stations, shopping malls, and warehouses owned by corporations that benefited from the laws. Throughout the protests anywhere from 50,000 to 700,000 farmers camped out blocking strategic infrastructure. The sustained protests, and the widespread support among people, led the government to withdraw the laws.

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  • Conservation Group Tries One More Thing to Preserve an African Woodland: Prayer

    A Rocha Kenya is an environmental organization that connects Christian conservationists around the world to protect endangered habitats and species with the both the power of prayer and practical conservation efforts. Today, the group is also working to train local farmers in new methods to protect the forest, focusing on topics like promoting soil health, increasing crop yields and reducing water usage.

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  • How Abuja farmers use organic pesticides, disease control to reduce climate change effects

    In Nigeria, climate change has led to food scarcity causing some farmers in rural Abuja communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Also known as smart agriculture it encompasses things like reducing pesticide use, using extracts from neem plants, and using warm castings as a fertilizer. Farmers say the practice has improved the soil, increasing water retention, and sequestered carbon.

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  • Keeping Cattle on the Move and Carbon in the Soil

    Grasslands are important players in carbon sequestration. In the U.S. and Kenya some farmers are switching to regenerative grazing. For some this entails concentrating herds of cows and resting paddocks for long periods of time, and for others it means reseeding native grasses. This all forms part of a larger global network to restore grasslands.

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  • Blue forests are under threat. A quiet revolution could save them

    Mangroves can store up six times more carbon than an area equal to the Amazon rainforest. However, they are rapidly declining, over the past century their population has been reduced by 30 to 50 percent. One nonprofit, Blue Ventures, is working with local communities to regenerate fisheries, which helps the mangroves. They're also helping local communities to manage their mangroves.

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  • How farmers in Abuja community use 'agroforestry models' to fight climate change

    In Abuja, a Nigerian community, farmers are practicing agroforestry practices and shifting away from monocropping. Agroforestry is more sustainable, leads to biodiversity, and helps mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. With agroforestry, farmers plant several crops among trees, versus one crop. While not all farmers have made the shift, the ones that have are seeing positive results.

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  • How Nigerian farmers are fighting climate change smart

    Some Nigerian farmers are combating the harmful effects of climate change by turning towards more sustainable farming like greenhouse farming, integrated agriculture, sack or bag farming, and hydroponic farming. Although those methods come with their unique set of challenges, they are seeing positive results.

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  • Is the Future of Big Dairy Regenerative?

    Several big food corporations like Danone and General Mills are working with local dairy producers to launch soil health programs that would help reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Danone is supporting 34 dairy farms to transition their operations to more regenerative practices. While it remains unclear if their efforts will reduce carbon emissions from dairy farms, early results show they are reducing soil erosion, improving water retention, and using less synthetic fertilizers.

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