Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Nation's First Regenerative Dairy Works with Nature to Heal the Soil—at Scale

    The Alexandre Family Farm in California made the switch to regenerative agriculture as a way to improve their soil health and improve the quality of their dairy operations. They are part of a growing number of individual dairies across the country that are embracing organic farming and are becoming “certified regenerative” as a way to build relationships with consumers and retailers on their own.

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  • Colorado's Harvest Farm Battles Addiction and Homelessness in Unexpected Ways

    Harvest Farm is an experiential recovery program that helps men experiencing homelessness and struggling with substance abuse achieve sobriety and become self-sufficient with stable work and housing. The program is free and a minimum of 6 months. The men toil on the farm and have access to case managers, addiction support groups, life and career development classes, and counseling. In the last phase of treatment, many hold jobs off of the farm, which provides added support through the post-graduation transition. A year after graduating, 70% of participants maintain housing and sobriety.

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  • France's 'Peevolution' Is Irrigating Farms With Liquid Gold

    Getting rid of urine is very wasteful, in the European Union alone almost 6,000 billion liters of water are used to flush urine. TOOPI Organics is using urine as a resource. Founded in 2019, the biotech company collects urine and using a fermentation process transforms it so it can be used as a fertilizer. Its urine fertilizer helped plants grow 60 to 110 percent more than a traditional mineral fertilizer. Its factory in the city of Bordeaux is able to produce 2,500 liters of organic fertilizer per day.

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  • Fresh start: Using agriculture to build confidence during recovery

    Blanchet House is a nonprofit that provides food and housing for people in need. Men who are recovering from substance abuse can live at the farm and have an opportunity to work on the land and learn skills that promote self-sufficiency and confidence. Men generally stay up to 8 months with free room and board, attend daily AA and NA meetings, and are assigned jobs like tending to the animals and ground maintenance. Unlike other sobriety programs that emphasize deep self-reflection, Blanchet House focuses on the physical component of getting your hands dirty and learning responsibility.

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  • How Otukpo Became An Oasis Of Peace In Benue After Fulani Militia's Attack

    Violent clashes between farmers and cattle herders that have claimed thousands of lives have largely ceased in Otukpo, thanks to a peacekeeping process that resolves disputes and is based on a shared recognition of two groups' humanity. The process imposed rules in an otherwise unruly system in which Fulani herders' open-grazing cattle destroyed crops, leading to violence. Negotiated leases and dispute-resolution mechanisms, governed through monthly meetings, have resulted in only one death since 2018, while surrounding areas continue to suffer many casualties.

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  • How Ex-Miners Turn Toxic Land into Lavender Farms

    Appalachian Botanical Company, or ABCo, owns a lavender farm that rests on a retired coal mine. The farm aims to restore the land and soil by growing lavender. Coal companies are legally obliged to restore the land they have mined, known as reclamation. ABCo is part of the reclamation. However, they also want to restore the community, it employs former coal miners and recovering addicts to harvest, pick, distill, and package the flowers. The farm grew two-fold since its inception.

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  • Why these farmers are welcoming muskrats, birds, and snakes

    In Canada, farmers are rewilding their farmlands, a process where a farmer restores their habitat to a more natural state. It includes things like planting trees, building hedgerows, and creating ponds. Rewilding can prevent soil erosion, carbon sequestering, and filtering water, among many other things, reversing some of the adverse effects caused by farming. One non-profit, the Alternative Land Use Services is funding these rewilding projects by paying farmers. ALUS projects span 31,000 across Canada.

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  • How Bijapur fought acute malnutrition through millets and decentralisation

    In the district of Bijapur, a town in India, there was a malnutrition rate of 40 per cent in 2019. In order to tackle the problem officials identified the areas with high malnutrition and directed their efforts to those places. They introduced nutrient rich millets in child care centers. They also created kitchen gardens to provide the community with access to fresh vegetables. Finally, they brought Nutrient Rehabilitation Centers in the community since parents were hesitant to take their children to them. Two years later, malnutrition rates dropped by 12 percent.

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  • How Kansas ranchers and the land benefit from going back to the way of the bison

    In Kansas, a group of younger ranchers are shifting away from decades long, traditional, ranching practices and instead using methods synched with nature. Changes include things like burning the pasture to clear dead grass in the spring, instead of burning in the summer. Research shows summer burns save millions in operating costs and it's actually a long-held practice by indigenous people before settlers arrived. The ranchers are also changing how they graze and spray, methods that use less pesticides and increase wildlife.

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  • Giving Mother Nature a Hand

    Cervene Pecky and Dolany, two small towns in Prague, were able to fix their flooding problems through a process known as land consolidation. Prior to the land consolidation, the towns would get flooded by rainwater. Through land consolidation, property owners are able to redraw property lines. Thanks to the consolidation, the field that emptied into Dolany is now covered in grass, trees, and ditches.

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