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  • How To Feed 10 Billion People

    As the world population increases and resources decrease, researchers across many countries are focusing on utilizing technology to make food production more efficient. From optimizing photosynthesis to enhancing plant productivity, developments are successfully being implemented in the Netherlands and China.

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  • Home on the range? Private buyers restore U.S. grassland to cowboy consternation

    The American Prairie Reserve (APR)has diverged from government funding and instead created a free-market system to preserve prairie land across Northeastern Montana. Some ranchers in the state oppose the allowance of wild bison and other animals to wander fence-free, but others sell their land to the APR to maintain a diverse ecosystem on the plains.

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  • Millennials ‘Make Farming Sexy' in Africa, Where Tilling the Soil Once Meant Shame

    New “agripreneurs” are trying to bring high-tech, business-driven farming practices to Ghana, while also attempting to shift the prevailing norm that a career in farming is not equivalent to “success.” This comes in the form of creative farming practices, like raising snails, to government support, in the form of education and financial support, all hoping to bolster the agricultural ecosystem.

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  • How a new diet for gassy cows is helping the environment

    Growing flowers and plants in fields where cows graze leads to a healthier diet, larger cows, more enriched soil, and less methane emitted into the atmosphere. About 4,000 farmers have received funding to transform their farms away from traditional grazing, moving towards a system that is healthier for the animals and the environment.

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  • Greenhouse Gas Scientist Questions How To Cut Emissions On Her Own Farm

    As a response to global climate change, many are turning to farming and agricultural practices as a response. Plants are able to bring carbon dioxide into soil, where some is stored, reducing the overall amount in the air. While initially seen as a silver bullet solution, scientists are now discovering limitations – like overestimating how much carbon can be stored. For small farms, in order to adopt more eco-conscious practices, they need more economic incentives to change their ways.

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  • Meating In The Middle: The Challenge of Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions On Farms

    From small farms to the larger, agriculture industry, changes are being made to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas being emitted into the air. With methane emissions considered one of the top worst greenhouse gasses – and agriculture a major contributor to it – the industry is looking toward new practices, like cover crops and new diets for cows. Responses are happening on many levels, but in order to make sustainable change, farmers and researchers must collaboratively work together.

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  • Dairy Alternatives: Converting Cattle Methane Into Renewable Energy

    After California passed new regulations mandating that the dairy industry needs to mitigate the amount of methane emissions produced from cows, some farms like Airoso Dairy are adopting new technologies to do the job. The farm works with energy companies to use a digester that converts the cow’s manure into biofuel. While the initial investment in the technology can be expensive, this conversion of fuel has also added a new revenue stream for the farm.

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  • Native bees, please

    The Urban Bee Lab at UC Berkeley has spent over a decade collecting data about native Californian bees who regularly interact with humans so that they can share their findings to help farmers improve production. The lab collects specimens to help researchers down the line; they observe bees in nature; and they actively work with local farmers to exchange useful information. Short-term, the collaborations help farmers improve yield and provide a welcoming space to bees; short-term, the data collected will help protect and conserve native bee populations.

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  • Backyard chickens in Lee County: a growing flock

    Tammy Harvey in Florida has 13 hens in her backyard that allow her to grow her own eggs, thereby reducing her carbon footprint since her food went directly from farm to table. While it can be difficult for some people to raise their own chickens due to regulations, some counties are making it easier.

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  • The case for carbon farming in California

    California has been leading the way in what is becoming an increasingly popular response to climate change: carbon farming. The practice reabsorbs carbon that’s in the air, into the soil, and can be achieved through methods like composting, no-till agriculture, or cover crops. While a promising practice, cost-related concerns and the sustainability and longevity of the response remain in question.

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