Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • California's Latest Weapon Against Climate Change Is Low-Tech Farm Soil

    California’s Healthy Soils Initiative is providing funding for farmers across the state to grow cover crops that will help move carbon from the air to the soil. Doing so not only cleans the air, but helps the soil and crops retain moisture in a state that has often faced water scarcity. Besides being a response to climate change, the initiative has bridged the deep divide between California’s coastal and valley populations, showing that they need each other to respond to climate issues.

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  • These Indigenous Women Are Reclaiming Stolen Land in the Bay Area

    The Sogorea Te Land Trust is an intertribal women-led organization that is working to reclaim ownership of land in the Bay Area that Ohlone people have lived on for centuries. They regained access to the land through a partnership with another local grassroots organization called Planting Justice, who will eventually hand over the land to Sogorea Te for free once it is fully paid off. Sogorea Te believes that the root of a lot of Indigenous problems is the dispossession of their land, so they hope to use this land to rebuild resiliency and a way of life for and with their people.

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  • 'It's a groundswell': the farmers fighting to save the Earth's soil

    Governments, UN officials, and climate experts alike are ringing the alarm bells of growing soil degradation around the world. But a new agricultural movement is tackling this challenge head on. Instead of the centuries-old method of ploughing, or turning up the soil, farmers have recently taken to keeping their fields covered with varied plants year round, to keep soil healthier. Advocates also point to lower costs on machinery and labor, more resilient crops, and climate change dividends as added benefits as well.

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  • Ranchers Try New Tactics Coexisting with Wolves — Endangered or Not

    The gray wolf was on the Endangered Species list when they were first reintroduced to the West in 1995, and although they have made an impressive comeback, there is now a debate between ranchers and environmentalists about the best way to handle the influx of predators to their cattle. Ranchers like Joe Purdy in Montana have found a successful mix of nonlethal tactics to keep them at bay: patrol of the area during the hours of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., wildlife cameras, inviting campers to stay, building fences, and more.

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  • Florida strawberry farmers using robots to pick fruit, control mildew

    Robots are the newest way to improve efficiency of agriculture in the context of an aging immigrant population of fruit pickers, specifically in the strawberry industry. Harvest CROO is the company behind the robot Berry, and it has received millions of dollars to develop this technology. Research shows advancements in agricultural technology may be the only way to feed a growing worldwide population.

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  • Female Farmers are Coming into Their Own—and Networking is Key to Their Success

    As the number of women in agriculture grows, a group of female farmers in Wisconsin participate in a networking cooperative called In Her Boots. Starting as a 12-person potluck, members of In Her Boots now come from more than 20 different counties and swap knowhow more specific to women, such as how to adjust farming practices to fit a smaller frame or how to apply for farm grants. The group is still growing and is now part of a data-gathering metric from the University of Wisconsin which aims to measure the growth of women in sustainable farming.

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  • One Way to Combat Climate Change: A Smartphone App That Lets Farmers Control Where Their Cows Graze

    A San Diego startup called Vence has created a device that can help farmers control their livestock’s movements and behavior. The new technology – a collar with accompanying software – buzzes when an animal is somewhere it shouldn’t be and shocks them if they keep going. While the practice of shocking animals isn’t universally approved, doing so can prevent overgrazing and thus improve overall land health.

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  • Despite Many Challenges, the U.S. Has More Young Farmers Than it Did Five Years Ago

    With the average age of the American farmer at 57.5 and the number of farmers over 65 outnumbering farmers under 35 by a factor of 6 to 1, many are worried about a severe shortage of ecologically-minded young farmers to take over from the older generation. To address this gap, states and institutions are launching initiatives like debt-free agricultural college, tax incentives, and loan programs.

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  • Oregon Wineries Come Together To Save Grapes Rejected For Smoke Taint

    Grape growers and winemakers in Oregon recently worked together after a fire burned thousands of acres of land. After contracts were turned down due to smoke taint of the grapes, the Oregon Solidarity project was formed. It sourced winemakers willing to accept these grapes (which were still considered safe), created three special wines, and is funneling all profits back to the growers.

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  • Small ag feels growing pains: Lack of workers

    In southeastern Colorado, the Good Food Collective is piloting new initiatives to help small-scale farmers fill the labor shortages. With grant funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, they’re looking at what others across the country have done to address this issue, like developing a workers cooperative where workers can have some security in an unstable field. For now, they’re figuring out what works for their region, which includes “gleaning” – using grant funding to pay for individuals to harvest food for food pantries.

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