Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Connecticut's Halfhearted Battle: Response To Lead Poisoning Epidemic Lacks Urgency

    Cities throughout Connecticut have long struggled to enact a successful response to the statewide lead-poisoning problem, but the city of Bridgeport stands out as a model for how to get results by taking proactive action. Unlike other cities where investigations aren't triggered unless a child tests positive for lead poisoning, officials in Bridgeport focus on regularly conducting building inspections and utilizing Connecticut’s Uniform Relocation Assistance Act.

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  • ‘How Did We Not Know?' Gun Owners Confront a Suicide Epidemic

    A public-education campaign to enlist gun owners in suicide prevention work by first informing them of the problem's scope has spread to programs in 21 states. Although the campaign's ultimate effects on suicide rates are not known, it has at least spurred gun-rights advocates to action, with safety and prevention messages spread through gun shows, retailers, trade groups, and gun ranges. The majority of gun deaths are suicides. Millions of guns have been sold during the pandemic and social-justice protests, elevating suicide risks. Safety measures include gun locks and having friends remove guns from homes.

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  • How Mumbaikars can coexist peacefully with ferocious spotted cats

    As humans encroach further on leopard habitat, more people get attacked by the wild cats. After four people were killed in Nashik in a four-month span of 2020, Sanjay Gandhi National Park leopard rescue team and others set up cameras and traps to capture nine leopards. Though DNA testing failed to determine which animal was responsible, the attacks stopped. Those animals believed safe were returned to the wild away from human populations, while others were kept in captivity. The rescue operation, part jail and part rehabilitation, combines with public education to try to lower human-animal conflict.

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  • Utah Is Trying To Prevent Gun Suicides. Are Other States Paying Attention?

    Concerned about the high numbers of suicides in the state, Utah's local government introduced a three-pronged approach to preventing further suicides that hinged on targeting gun owners and Second Amendment activists. Although there has been some push back along the way, suicide rates have decreased since the state shifted their approach from awareness-only to one that is "data-driven and aims to involve community members from gun store owners to high school sports coaches."

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  • In Rio, Mapping Gunshots Can Backfire

    Crime-tracking mobile apps give millions of Brazilians crowdsourced data on urban violence, alerting people to dangerous places and filling gaps in government data on shootings, robberies, and other risks. But apps such as Fogo Cruzado (“Crossfire”) and Onde Tem Tiroteio (“Where There's a Shooting”) offer statistically crude glimpses of crime, distorted by media and racial biases that one expert blames for myths about the risks people actually face.

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  • How Do You Get Gun Owners To Give Up Their Guns During A Crisis? Ask. Audio icon

    "Voluntary storage" of guns is a growing movement that seeks to reduce gun suicides while avoiding political clashes with gun-rights advocates by instead promoting safety without government coercion. The Means Matter Campaign, Gun Shop Project, and a number of other private programs take what has long happened informally – friends disarming friends to prevent tragedy during a crisis – and promotes such practices as a public-health response. While research quantifying its effects is scant, anecdotes abound of people at risk being talked into surrendering their guns temporarily.

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  • Watery Bangladesh Works to Prevent Child Drowning Deaths

    After experiencing a high rate of drownings among children due to the number of rivers and ponds in the country, a non-profit organization in Bangladesh has been offering swim lessons to children in rural areas that are more susceptible to encountering dangerous waters. Since the program started, the rate has decreased nearly 50 percent while the confidence of the participants has increased.

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  • How to prevent drowning

    Three projects show how effective national strategies can be to reduce accidental drownings, which kill an estimated 320,000 people worldwide each year. In Israel, artificial intelligence software processes video feeds from beaches to alert lifeguards to emergencies. The three African nations sharing Lake Victoria have invested in inexpensive weather forecasting gear and public information services to alert people who fish or traverse the lake. And Bangladesh's systems of daycare and swimming lessons are saving the lives of previously unsupervised children at highest risk of drowning.

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  • The hidden hand that uses money to reform troubled police departments

    Smaller cities that cannot afford costly payouts for civil settlements in police misconduct cases rely on liability insurance, which can act as a regulator when insurers demand reforms up to and including disbanding troubled departments. While police killings have decreased in large cities over the past six years, they have increased in the suburban and rural areas served by the vast majority of police departments. “Loss prevention” measures that require policy and personnel changes have been proven to work, but insurance that fails to police the police can also shield cities from accountability.

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  • Vietnam has 0 coronavirus deaths. Here's why.

    Vietnam reacted swiftly to the approaching pandemic, screening travelers from Wuhan, then banning all visitors from China, mandating masks, producing a catchy hand-washing video, and conducting extensive testing, with mandatory quarantines of infected people. The country of 97 million had just a few hundred cases and no deaths in the pandemic's first six months, even though its public health system is not regarded as extraordinary. As a result of its success at containment, Vietnam was one of the first in the region to relax social distancing and reopen its economy.

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