Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Food is biggest stumbling block on zero-waste nature tour

    Natural Habitat Adventures, a tour company, has run the first no-waste, week-long trip through Yellowstone. With ecotourism producing millions of pounds of waste per year, the group wanted to demonstrate that doing so was possible as a way of holding other tour companies to a higher standard. Natural Habitat was able to reach the zero-waste success through composting, sharing meals at restaurants, heavy planning and preparation, and consulting with sustainability and waste experts.

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  • Mongolian nomads create shared funds and financial security

    Herders in Mongolia have resorted to cooperative shared funds to keep their pastures afloat, a sign of a slow tilt towards greater collaboration and trust in the area. The shared funds act as a way for herders to borrow and lend money among themselves, helping local communities build financial security in a time when climate change is negatively impacting their pasture land.

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  • Farmers of Color Find New Allies

    The online Reparations for Black-Indigenous Farmers map connects farmers across the United States in an effort to support those who have been historically oppressed. Those who participate voluntarily pay reparations to the over 50 Black and Indigenous farmers’ projects that have been listed as a way of (re)building centuries of discrimination.

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  • Parisians fight climate change with a surprising weapon Audio icon

    Les Alchimistes is a social enterprise outside of Paris that turns the 900,000 tons of food waste produced every year into compost that is then sold to farmers. The group is supported by industrial composters named Tidy Planet who have managed to speed up the natural composting process from 6-12 months to less than two weeks. The Alchimistes have six composting sites across France, and they rely on city cyclists to pick up the food waste from each participating restaurant.

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  • Farm-To-Lunchroom Using Hydroponics

    At one high school at the Menasha Joint School District in Wisconsin students are growing their own vegetables inside a classroom. That’s because they have their own a hydroponic garden, a garden that does not require soil. The homegrown produce is part of their meal program and is leading to positive effects. Students express more interest in learning about vegetables and feeling more connected to gardening. “They have a very personal connection to that produce.”

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  • Meteorology authority improves climate forecast systems

    Early warning systems allow communities to implement effective disaster preparedness. The Uganda National Integrated Early Warning System (U-NIEWS), disseminates forecasts—ranging from weather patterns to market prices for crops—in a bulletin. Data is collected across the country and bulletins go out on a national level, disseminated by local stakeholders through WhatsApp, radio, and other media.

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  • Farmers Markets Bring Together Communities in Mississippi Delta

    Mound Bayou, Mississippi has been in the middle of a food desert for well over 50 years, as fresh produce is hard to come by for this small Mississippi Delta town. However, a local farmers' market has begun to change that; run by youth volunteers, the market brings fresh fruit and vegetables to residents through the Delta Fresh Foods Initiative.

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  • This new program lets people text to access government food aid

    Simplifying the enrollment process makes the federal supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) more accessible to those who qualify. In Anchorage, Alaska, a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies funded a pilot program to help residents enroll in SNAP via text message. Instead of a complicated process, residents can simply text to receive information and begin their enrollment process.

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  • Green Thumbs, Black Gardeners: How Urban Gardens Help a Community Grow

    Eliminating food deserts is a community effort. Thanks to work of members, volunteers, and other partners of the East New York Farmers’ Market (ENYF), the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn, formerly troubled by a lack of nutritious food, now benefits from semi-weekly produce markets. ENYF also serves as a positive community service for youth and young adults.

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  • Schools Are Shaming Kids Who Can't Afford Lunch, but There Are Ways to Stop It

    While some states have already introduced legislation to ban lunch shaming in schools, a national effort is now under way with the introduction of the No Shame at School Act in Congress. Advocates emphasize that "creating a consistent approach across all school districts is key to ending the practice of lunch shaming."

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