Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Food it Forward

    In the United States, millions of people lack reliable access to food while hundreds of thousands of pounds of leftover food is thrown away. Fooding Forward is one of several non-profits in Philadelphia working directly against in order to donate food waste to "groups who can get that food to people in need."

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  • The Dirt on Waste: Understanding College Recycling Programs

    Pepperdine University is having some trouble as they try to go about achieving the goal set by the California government stating that 75% of waste must be diverted by 2050. This article covers the specifics of the conservation efforts at Pepperdine, and also looks at more successful programs going on at UCLA and Santa Clara University. Some effective tactics include a comprehensive education plan on recycling, requiring faculty and staff to dispose of landfill waste themselves by only collecting recyclable waste, and partnering with athletic teams to champion conservation.

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  • World in Progress: Garbage solutions and restored treasures

    In Surabaya, Indonesia, an unusual approach to composting is helping reduce waste. BSF technology is short for “black soldier fly,” a type of maggot that devours organic waste. Once it grows, it acts as a food source for livestock. Pending government regulation, people will be able to sell maggots and profit from the waste-saving process, helping the environment in the process.

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  • Can rice husk briquettes stem the tide of mangrove deforestation in Myanmar?

    Recycled waste from rice mills offers an alternative to mangrove forests as a fuel source. In the Irrawaddy Delta in Myanmar, rice mills are beginning to use their byproducts to create rice-husk briquettes. The logs, made from byproducts previously discarded by rice mills, provide a fuel source for individuals and other businesses that traditionally rely on charcoal. Using recycled rice husks reduces waste and offers a way to alleviate the exploitation of mangrove forests, which act as a vital natural barrier against cyclones.

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  • Millions of dollars' worth of food ends up in school trash cans every day. What can we do?

    Across the United States, schools, government agencies, and individuals are taking steps to reduce food waste in our schools’ cafeterias. There are collaborations that are trying to change the systemic processes by creating guides on how to conduct food waste audits, providing research frameworks for innovative change, and providing policy guidance. A large effort is underway to change how children think about food, which means bringing them to farms and into kitchens to bring them closer to the process.

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  • Temple Students “Swipe Out Hunger” in Philly

    Students at Temple University are using their unused meal "swipes"--or prepaid dining hall entries--to help buy food for those in need in Philadelphia. The organization Swipes for Philadelphia now has expanded their initial idea to host general meetings on topics like food insecurity, homelessness, and overall struggles of low-wage workers. The organization also tackles related issues like food waste.

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  • The Country Winning The Battle On Food Waste

    In South Korea, a combination of grassroots movements and government campaigns have dramatically reduced the country's food waste by 95% (about 400 metric tons a day). Residents are required to buy special biodegradable bags, which serves as a tax that finances 60% of the city's food processing. It's a pay-as-you-waste tactic that also prompts citizens to find creative ways to recycle and compost, and special weighing machines encourage them to extract the moisture first, saving even more money on collection costs.

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  • Perfectly good food was going in the trash, so an Indiana school turned it into take-home meals for hungry kids

    A community organization in Indiana called Cultivate "rescues" food from local caterers, hospitals, casinos, and businesses to then be packaged into take-home meals for students at Woodland Elementary School that come from food-insecure homes. Cultivate is in its second year of existence, has three staff and 400 volunteers, and hopes to expand beyond their pilot program to reach all 21 schools in the district.

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  • Colorado farmers can't get their food to the table. One startup wants to lend hands.

    UpRoot, a new Colorado startup, is working to help farmers fill the labor gap and feed the hungry. Farmers across the state face a labor shortage, leaving huge amounts of produce to go to waste – and thus contribute to climate change. UpRoot tries to meet both these issues by operating on two levels: First, providing volunteer labor to harvest leftover crops and donate to food banks; and second, offering paid, on-demand workers – many of whom are veterans – for farmers that find themselves in a labor bind.

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  • Precycle Is a New Bushwick Grocery Store With a Mission

    In Bushwick, the grocery store Precycle is on the front lines of the battle against plastic pollution. Selling food in bulk, while inviting customers to bring their own containers, reduces not only plastic waste but food prices. But will the inconvenience of bringing containers stand in the way of waste-free stores' success?

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