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  • The Economics Of Managing Healthier Forests

    In the western United States, a couple nonprofits are working to kill two birds with one stone: reducing catastrophic wildfires while creating a profitable (yet sustainable) market for harvested wood. Yet these management techniques have yet to prove economically viable.

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  • Exploring Solutions: ‘Wildfire as a Fact of Life'

    Rural communities need a multi-pronged strategy to improve resilience to wildfires. A method that combines forest treatment projects, education of homeowners, and community-level strategizing at the neighborhood level is the best approach to reducing risk, according to Headwaters Economics, a nonprofit organization. Other organizations, like the Watershed Center and the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network, are working to spread awareness and implementation of such resilience-oriented wildfire management strategies.

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  • Learning from the past: Japan's tree-planting efforts provide lessons for other countries

    Nishiawakura, a village in Japan, was once the site of complete forest devastation due to the need for timber during and after World War II. Through trial and error, the country has learned what does and doesn't work when it comes to reforestation efforts. Now, their lessons are acting as a model for China, Pakistan and India as they turn their focus to reforestation.

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  • What the Dutch Can Teach Us About Wildfires

    Wildfires are destroying lives and lands throughout the West Coast of the United States. While human negligence coupled with climate change have been blamed, communities in the Netherlands provide a sharp contrast to this mentality by adapting their planning and infrastructure to prioritize safety in natural disaster prone areas.

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  • Agroforestry saves soil and boosts livelihoods in Tajikistan

    To restore degraded lands in Tajikistan, farmers are turning to agroforestry, a traditional cropping method that more closely mimics natural systems. An estimated 45 gigatons of carbon is sequestered by agroforestry systems globally. Add that to the benefits of reforestation, erosion control, and the return of wildlife habitat.

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  • How plants and animals are teaching scientists to fight climate change

    Biomimicry is defined as finding "solutions to man-made problems with designs inspired by the natural world," and some scientists think it could be at least part of the solution to climate change problems. From recycling carbon dioxide to helping reforestation efforts in Brazil, piloting efforts are currently taking place worldwide.

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  • Fossil Refusal: Local Models Not Global Markets

    Climate change will impact everyone, but not necessarily equally, so organizations across the US are advocating for smaller-scale and locally owned and produced energy resources in order to better distribute these resources. Two of these communitiy-controlled energy models include Community Choice Aggregation, which provide different levels of green energy, and hyperlocal approaches that promote micro-grids.

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  • Can Wild Foods Save the Amazon?

    At Expo Amazonica in Lima, chefs are working to build a taste for traditional Amazonian foods, in an effort to promote biodiversity conservation and slow deforestation. But against a huge global demand for palm oil, growing wild food crops can be difficult for communities struggling to make ends meet. One big question is whether small farmers can create demand for Amazonian cuisine beyond the Amazon?

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  • To prevent devastating wildfires, old adversaries are finding ways to work together

    The prospect of mass wild land devastation sparred by both wildfires and logging was enough motivation for people on each side of the debate to sit down and figure out a solution. What came of that conversation was the Blue Mountains Forest Partners that have worked together to propel the management of the forest.

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  • A new leaf: the hardy trees reforesting the Amazon

    Years of illegal gold mining have left much of Peru's forests desolate and the lands poisoned. However, scientists have recently come across one species of tree that is thriving despite the harsh realities of the land. In a piloted attempt to restore the forest, these scientists are experimenting with a variety of tree species to see which will continue to grow.

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