Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To Protect the Environment, Buddhist Monks Are Ordaining Trees

    In Cambodia, it is Buddhist tradition and protocol to ordain a tree when a new monk was inducted. Since it is taboo to harm a monk, this practice inadvertently doubled as a conservation tactic by preventing deforestation ongoings, eventually leading those of this faith to be dubbed ecology monks.

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  • Kenya's Government Is Evicting Indigenous People. Tech Helps Them Fight Back.

    Kenya's indigenous communities are fighting the government's attempts to seize the land they live on using an app called This is My Backyard, or TIMBY. The app helps users to securely encrypt videos and pictures that can then be used for legal and publicity purposes, allowing community members to gather evidence and hold leaders accountable.

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  • Indigenous tribes are the last best hope for the Amazon

    Illegal logging and land clearing are destroying much of the Amazon forest which is impacting the livelihood of the indigenous people living there. The Guajajara tribe is taking an active stand against these activities by joining forces to stand guard against intruders.

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  • Armed with award-winning app, Kenyan tribe fights forced evictions

    A new app known as TIMBY aims to reduce the amount of illegal forest activities such as logging and forced evictions of tribal communities. By allowing those using the app to document real-time evidence of illegal activity, the Sengwer community will be able to present the gathered data to courts and forest authorities.

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  • World Bank backs efforts to clean up cooking fuels in Uganda

    Clean cookstoves can reduce indoor air pollution, along with a host of other social and environmental benefits. However, uptake has been slow in countries such as Uganda because such stoves tend to be more expensive for families in the short-term.

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  • Switching to LPG for habitat recovery and wildlife conservation

    In rural communities, firewood extraction hurts both human health and wildlife habitat. In India, a group of conservationists are helping villages switch from wood-burning to liquified petroleum gas. While logistics around refills are still being ironed out, the program has already produced noticeable results.

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  • Rwanda Eyes Biogas to Help Curb Deforestation

    Moving from an ineffective approach of using pit toilets, communities in Rwanda are finding success through the implementation of a biogas system. This effort, part of a government-led initiative to reduce deforestation, has spread to much of the country including school and prisons.

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  • Will More Logging Ease Wildfires? Canada Holds Answers

    As regions look for solutions to fight wildfires in the midst of climate change, some call for logging companies to take greater responsibility. While the argument is not new that less trees means less fires, it's the smaller logging companies that are taking the biggest actions focusing their efforts on removing smaller logs despite potential impact to profits.

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  • Lango women find wealth in shea tree

    In a town in Uganda, women are taking control of their financial stability by joining together to market shea butter. Through a team effort, the women are able to make and sell lotion, bathing soap, edible oil and jelly from the shea butter they harvest from the local forest. This has allowed the women to both educate and provide housing for their families.

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  • Slingshots in hand, Kenyans work to replant vanishing forests

    To tackle deforestation in Kenya, locals scatter charcoal-coated seeds in their communities to grow forests in the country. The charcoal deters birds and insects from eating the seeds before they can germinate; once the charcoal has been weathered away, the seed can begin to grow. Community members use slingshots, hot air balloons, and other create methods to scatter the resilient seeds.

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