Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Agroforestry offers Thai rubber farmers a pathway to profit and sustainability

    Government agencies, trade groups, and businesses are working together to provide agroforestry training and environmental education to rubber farmers in Thailand. Cultivating rubber alongside other useful trees and crops is better for the environment than monoculture farms and increases farmers’ profits.

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  • My Neck of the Woods

    Community activism in the late 1800s led to the creation of a unique 6.1 million-acre forest preserve in New York called Adirondack Park. It’s explicitly protected by the state constitution and consists of half publicly-owned land and half privately-owned land.

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  • How Ecotourism Became an Unexpected Climate Solution in an At-Risk Guatemalan National Park

    The community living in Northern Guatemala’s Sierra del Lacandón National Park monitors the landscape for fires set by people looking to clear the forest illegally and is trained to prevent them from spreading. They’re focusing on ecotourism as an alternative way to earn a living.

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  • Fighting fire with beavers: How dam-building rodents are deployed to prevent megafires, restore scorched wildlands

    Riverscapes inhabited by beavers fare far better than other areas during extreme wildfires because they hold back and spread out water, pushing it further into the ground. These spaces become critical pockets of habitat for animals to shelter in and can function as fire breaks. Restoration experts in Colorado are building structures that mimic beaver dams in hopes of replicating the effect and, if they’re lucky, incentivizing beavers to return.

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  • Taking the classroom outside: How nature is teaching valuable lessons in Uganda

    The residents of Kikandwa, Uganda, came together to create the Kikandwa Environmental Association to implement nature-based solutions in their community. The solutions are combatting climate change and generating more income than options with a negative environmental impact. For example, many people traded cutting trees to make charcoal for selling seedlings at the local tree nursery.

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  • In Rural Western Uganda, A Tree-Planting Initiative Shows Signs of Life

    Ecosia, a nonprofit search engine that uses its profits to support tree-planting initiatives, is working with the Jane Goodall Institute Austria to grow 200,000 trees in Uganda. The organizations work with communities to design the projects around their needs and then support locals through the process of growing trees.

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  • How to Revive a Burned Forest? Rebuild the Tree Supply Chain

    Mast Reforestation sells carbon credits to fund its work replanting trees where forests were decimated by wildfires. The company collects seeds from local, native trees, uses x-ray machines to ensure they are likely to sprout, and plants them.

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  • Florida is paying bounty hunters to control its python population

    Python removal agents with South Florida’s Water Management District hunt the invasive Burmese python in the Florida Everglades to prevent the snakes from continuing to destroy the ecosystem. Since launching the program in 2017, agents have removed 8,565 pythons across the state.

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  • Rewilding Japan With Clearings in the Forest and Crowdfunding Campaigns

    Conservationists in Japan are rewilding the country’s vast monoculture plantation forests to restore biodiversity and allow the ecosystem to return to its natural state, deciduous forest. They are doing so by turning the tree plantations into meadows and buying plots of land with private donations to plant native trees on.

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  • The Government Set a Fire in New Mexico. It Burned 341,735 Acres

    The most destructive wildfire in New Mexico’s modern history started as a prescribed burn managed by the United States Forest Service. These fires are meticulously planned and executed to remove flora that increases the risk of extreme wildfires, and the vast majority of them go as planned. The Calf Canyon/Hermit’s Peak Fire did not, leaving officials and locals to assess what went wrong and rebuild the impacted communities.

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