Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Climate Change Can Be Reversed by Turning Air Into Gasoline

    A professor at Harvard may be on the path to being able to transform carbon dioxide into useable fuel, thus changing the game for the rapidly warming planet. By leveraging already existing technology, the professor and his company Carbon Engineering have already piloted the methodology and are looking for ways to scale-up production.

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  • In North Carolina, Hog Waste Is Becoming A Streamlined Fuel Source

    Swine biogas are making an appearance across North Carolina, a state with more hogs than any other state in the U.S. Turning methane from hog waste into electricity has allowed the state to earn valuable carbon offset credits as they work towards brining emissions to zero.

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  • Apple Now Runs On 100% Green Energy, And Here's How It Got There

    In 2014, Apple reached a milestone by turning their Nevada data center into a 100 percent renewable energy-powered structure thanks to the implementation of solar farms. Just four years later, the company has just reached another milestone - all of its facilities are powered by renewable energy. This step is all part of their efforts to spearhead a focus on environmental initiatives in the tech industry.

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  • Fed up with high rates, a Colorado city considers ditching its utility and relying on the sun

    Residents in Pueblo, Colorado pay some of the highest electricity rates despite being one of the lowest-income cities in the state. In an attempt to become independent of the corporate utility company that determines the price of energy, the community is working to become powered by 100 percent renewable energy and convince local government to implement a city-run utility.

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  • Take the Power Back

    In the face of climate change as a result of increased CO2 emissions, millions of concerned citizens have grown frustrated at the lack of change from more traditional forms of civil engagement such as petitions, protests, and campaigns against the behemoths of the oil industry. But some have found hope in a growing movement that pushes governments and large corporations to leverage a more effective tool: divestment - or withdrawing financial support from the fossil fuel industry.

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  • South Australia goes all out on renewables despite federal focus on coal

    There is a push towards clean energy that battles with Australia's federal love for coal, but South Australia has made great strides to renewable energy. Thermal energy and the lithium ion battery are just two recent developments in clean energy innovation.

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  • Alaska's Small Villages Turn Toward Renewables—And Don't Look Back

    Alaska is a state of remote and rural townships, where everything costs more to access - from food to fuel - and plunging global oil prices have pushed the state economy to the brink of financial crisis. But communities such as Buckland are taking steps to move away from dependence on fossil fuels through the building of renewable energy micro-grids. Wind, geothermal, hydro, and solar power not only help keep the lights on, but are contributing to the stabilization of local economies.

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  • Could underwater garages solve Boston's parking shortage?

    Boston needs more parking spaces, especially in a neighborhood surrounded by water. It is looking to build an underwater parking garage, like the ones being built in Amsterdam, in order to free up street level space and add more parking to decrease car pollution from driving around searching for a parking spot.

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  • Rising from the ashes, a Buffalo suburb ends its dependence on coal

    When the coal-powered Huntley Generating Station began to shut down, the livelihood of the local community in Tonawanda was greatly threatened; numerous jobs were at stake and looming impacts on the town's largest tax revenue stream meant shuttering schools and choking public services. Local community members organized and, through tenacity and frugal reallocation of resources, diverse groups - including labor unions, politicians, and environmental activists - joined forces in creating a way to sustain and revitalize their community beyond coal.

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  • IDB Aims to Catalyze Energy Efficiency in Latin America

    Barriers, such as lack of standardization and information dispersion, are preventing market development for global financing of energy-efficient projects. The Inter-American Development Bank's Energy Savings Insurance Team has developed a scheme that could increase investments resulting in greater energy efficiency; through implementations such as standardized contracts, market auditors, and an engagement framework.

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