Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can rationing carbon help fight climate change?

    As countries wrestle with how to reduce their carbon emissions, grassroots carbon rationing experiments are taking shape around the word. On an Australian Island of 800 people, a quarter of them participated in a test that calculated their carbon footprints with a goal of reducing their fossil fuel use by 10 percent. The average household reduced their usage by 18 percent and almost two-thirds of participants wanted to continue. Other experiments in Finland and the United Kingdom have taken place, yet some question if carbon rationing is equitable.

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  • Phoenix replacing diesel-fueled garbage trucks with natural gas ones

    Arizona has the second most-polluted air of any state in America, but local government leaders are championing the Cleaner Trucks Initiative as one tool to improve air quality. The city of Phoenix received $1 million from the EPA to transition garbage trucks from diesel to compressed natural gas to reduce emissions and pollution.

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  • Mountain athletes push progress over perfection in climate fight

    Since 2007, Protect Our Winters (POW) has engaged outdoor athletes to advocate for climate change. They believe in “imperfect advocacy,” in which they focus on corporate polluters whose habits can create larger-scale change, rather than putting the impetus for change solely on individuals. In doing so, they have been able to successfully engage athletes in their mission, build a partnership with the Climate Action Corps, a coalition of outdoor outfitters working for change at a corporate-level, and host rallies to sway public officials.

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  • The audacious effort to reforest the planet

    In an effort to get back to the roots of climate change, Plants for the Planet and other international initiatives plant millions of trees each year to help capture the massive amounts of carbon being released into the atmosphere. While tree-planting is only one piece in the larger fight to slow climate-change, it offers people around the world a low-cost and uncomplicated way to contribute.

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  • How Coal Country Becomes Solar Country

    In former Colorado mining towns, solar energy programs in high schools are introducing students to new types of job opportunities and helping schools save money on energy costs.

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  • Water Warriors

    After an energy company began exploring New Bruncwick territory for oil and natural gas, Indigenous tribes and white people worked together to protect their water and ban fracking. They held protests at government buildings and set up road blocks to prevent equipment trucks from getting out. Some of the protests included violent clashes with police, which made national news and drew more supporters. As a result of their actions, the government put a moratorium on fracking in the Canadian province.

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  • Can Green License Plates Help Plug Electric Cars?

    The United Kingdom has started cracking down on high-emission vehicle drivers by creating restricted zones that fine drivers of cars that emit a designated amount of pollution into the air; the carbon emissions in this type of zone in London has decreased by more than a third in six months. Now, the U.K. is taking their sustainability initiative a step further by labeling low-emission cars with green license plates that allow them to be easily recognized - and rewarded.

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  • How Penn State Is Cutting Greenhouse Emissions In Half — And Saving Money

    Enrolling administrators and financial planners in sustainable projects takes proving that investments pay for themselves. With the help of pressure from students and faculty, Penn State Universities administrators have adopted a long-term strategy to reduce the university’s carbon footprint and implement sustainable practices. Students produced the data that illuminated the university’s unsustainable practices; the numbers now show that their efforts are paying off.

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  • After oil and gas: Meet Alberta workers making the switch to solar

    Alberta, Canada is a place that historically has had a close relationship with oil and gas. But as renewable energy surges into the market, these industries become more and more precarious. This article talks to a range of young men—a key demographic in these industries—about why they made the decision to leave oil and gas for solar energy and what helped them make that transition. Many said, among other things, that their motivations lay in wanting to leave a better world for their children to grow up in.

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  • Some firms give more time off to those who shun plane travel

    Climate Perks is a program that encourages employees to avoid air travel and choose lower carbon-options for their personal travel. It is part of a trend of initiatives from businesses that incentivize slower travel as part of company policies or by offering extra vacation days. Despite slow adoption at Naturesave, another leader in encouraging green travel, environmentally-focused business leaders are hopeful for increased adoption as flight shame and climate change continue to be essential issues for young people.

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