Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Afterlife of Big Ideas in Education Reform

    Michael Hobbes details the rise and fall of small learning communities in the early 2000s to tell the story of a larger trend in American education reform. "The decisive factor isn't the Big Idea itself--splitting up dropout factories floor by floor--but the millions of little ideas that hold it together," Hobbes notes. He uses this one trend to discuss common denominators for student success and why schools have repeatedly failed to effectively scale promising solutions: "Every successive Big Idea in education reform has ended up in the same place. It works for one school and doesn't for another."

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  • This Grantmaking Pyramid Strategy Ensures That Nonprofits Won't Topple

    Traditional models of nonprofit funding, as well as pressure to limit overhead spending, have created an unsustainable system in which many organizations with otherwise great potential drown. Like private companies, nonprofits need to invest in their teams, offices, and research and development, "while putting aside some cash so they don’t live and die by the next grant cycle." The Ford Foundation is changing the ineffective result-driven method of funding nonprofits through its BUILD Program, which allows for better focus on organizational resilience and sustainability.

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  • Smarter Design for Skid Row

    Mitigating homelessness on Los Angeles' infamous "Skid Row" comprises myriad obstacles. But a collaboration between city officials, a USC architecture class project, and the Skid Row Housing Trust has responded with a multi-pronged solution in "pod-style" housing units. They have composed a cost-effective pre-fab design technology that eases their transportation, on-site construction and visual imposition on a neighborhood, while the pods' zoning classification as "congregant housing" minimizes the risk for local opposition to homeless support services on claims of structural or aesthetic noncompliance.

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  • Medical Waste in Cairo: Impact and Health Problems

    Large amounts of mismanaged medical waste are a concern in Cairo, since they can cause a wide range of illnesses and negatively affect the environment. NGO's are working to direct waste to proper sites, provide medical treatment to infected individuals, and help educate the public.

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  • Question: How do we get black men involved in their communities? Answer: They already are.

    An organization called The BMe Community (for Black Male Engagement) aims to combat the negative image of black men with hard facts and statistics of how they are actually improving their communities. Now operating in 6 cities, founder Trabian Shorters created a funding network that publicizes and supports the positive work that 194 black men are doing in order to change the narrative that black men are a problem only.

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  • Appalachia's new trail: finding life after coal

    Well-paying mining jobs used to be the bedrock of Appalachian coal country, but those jobs are increasingly hard to find. Local and national organizations are working together to help the region diversify economically by supporting local entrepreneurship with trainings and grant money.

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  • School for underprivileged girls teaches feminist principles in India

    In Lucknow, India, a unique school uses a curriculum grounded in feminist principles to instill confidence and a deep understanding of the country's patriarchal systems in girls from the surrounding impoverished neighborhoods.

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  • Reconciliation: A Tale of Two Seas

    Sectarian conflict in Bahrain has torn friends and families apart, splitting the country into Sunni versus Shi’a. To soften the divisions, Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation and Civil Discourse has hosted at least one event every month since its founding in 2012, inviting people from all ideologies to participate. These events include dialogue dinners, seminars, and even exchange trips to Northern Ireland and South Africa to learn about reconciliation experiences in those countries.

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  • Time, talent, treasure: What it looks like when they come together

    In Tanzania, Population Services International is leading a project using Human Centered Design to solve reproductive health issues with the support of a philanthropist who is not only funding the project but it is bringing her expertise to support the work. This new philanthropy model has been launched by Maverick Collective and is stepping away from the traditional model, allowing philanthropists to work together with design and implementation teams.

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  • An Artificial Limb Can Bring Hope — But Who's Going To Make It?

    Prosthetics can change lives, but in some countries there aren't enough people trained to make the needed limbs, braces and splints. To address the shortage in Bangladesh, the Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed is partnering with Red Cross and international donors to offer free training for local clinicians, and free treatment for patients.

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