Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A New Way to Commemorate Atrocity

    Memorials are being created at rapid rates these days, but they seem to lack a long-term effect on the public. The Chicago Torture Justice Memorials project seeks to change this pattern by putting out an international call for memorial proposals, wanting a variety in visions and a collective memorial, in order to remember the torture of black detainees and racialized police misconduct.

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  • Teaching citizens how to shoot better video when they witness brutality

    With human injustices affecting people on the streets around the world, camera phones have become important tools to document crimes. However, the video may not adequately capture the crime to be persuasive in court. The global organization WITNESS has formed as Video As Evidence Program to instruct citizens how to best document crimes with their cameras so that the evidence will stand in court.

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  • How Conservative, Tough-On-Crime Utah Reined In Police Militarization

    The militarization of police forces in cases such as Ferguson, Missouri’s riots has led the state of Utah to question what can be done to prevent such an overuse of force from happening. Utah expanded upon a law passed by Democratic legislature in Maryland, which Utah’s ACLU reworked with some libertarians, to require the police to provide data about SWAT team usage. Utah’s success demonstrates that demilitarization bills passed with bipartisan support are not impossible.

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  • The women who bear the scars of Sierra Leone's civil war

    The bloody civil war that tore through Sierra Leone for over a decade was one of the most devastating and violent in Africa's modern history. Those that suffered most were usually young woman, forced into combat, displaced, repeatedly raped and beaten. It has taken years for those who lived through the conflict to reclaim a normal life. One of the most powerful tools that many women leveraged were grassroots initiatives, funded by various NGOs, that the girls designed and led themselves, funding small businesses, support groups, and community projects.

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  • Syrian teachers find solace in Turkish classrooms

    Instead of outsourcing workers the International Blue Crescent relief agency, and Jordan's al-Zaatari cams, is employing Syrian refugees as teachers, doctors, and nurses. The aim is to create a self-sustainable refugee population. Leaders say it also gives Syrian refugees a renewed sense of hope and meaning “For those who are working in the camps or in (the IBC's) projects, they feel very good because they are guiding their community."

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  • Syria's refugee children haunted by horrors of war

    Child Friendly Spaces in Kilis, a city with a huge Syrian refugee population, and UNICEF’s art program in Jordan’s refugee camp, try to address the mental health of refugees, who are often dealing with great trauma. “If we think these refugees only need food, clothes or medicine, we are looking at them like animals.” Organizers that run these programs say these programs are critical and needed to address the psychological effects of war.

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  • Prisons Rethink Isolation, Saving Money, Lives and Sanity

    A positive transformation in a Mississippi prison has become a focal point for a growing number of states rethinking the use of long-term isolation. Humanitarian groups have long argued that solitary confinement has devastating psychological effects, but a central driver in the recent shift is economics. Some officials have also been persuaded by research suggesting that isolation is vastly overused and that it does little to reduce overall prison violence.

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