Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Belarusian Diaspora Helps Victims of Repression

    INeedHelpBy connects Belarusians living abroad with families currently experiencing government persecution and loss of income in the country. Donors have given over $1 million in emergency food aid directly to over 2,000 families in need. Donors pledge to buy at least two weeks of groceries and communicate directly with families to understand their needs. The organization verifies everyone’s identity, that they aren’t government infiltrators and that political repression led to loss of income for recipients. Connecting donors and recipients directly has also led to community building and emotional support.

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  • The priests navigating Colombia's conflict zones

    Shielded by cultural deference to the Catholic church, Colombian clergy venture into conflict zones to document the clashes, provide aid, and mediate disputes between civilians and armed guerrilla groups. Their efforts have helped response organizations access difficult-to-reach areas and drawn renewed attention to the crises.

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  • Prison reform curbs some solitary confinement, but how much?

    Washington state prison officials say they have tried for years to reduce their use of solitary confinement. They made some progress toward that goal until the pandemic. Despite that complication, hundreds still live for months or even years in near-total isolation, which critics liken to torture and blame for psychological damage to incarcerated people. Advocates for strict limits or abolishing the practice say the state has maintained the use of solitary under a variety of euphemisms. Pending legislation would impose stricter limits, which prison officials oppose on safety grounds.

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  • Narrow escape from the cut of creed

    Maria Adelaide Rescue Centre shelters girls who are escaping the practice of female genital mutilation and early marriage. The girls, who often have harrowing stories of escape, are provided a safe place to live and go to school. If possible, the Centre will work with village chiefs and family members to ensure the girls are protected and are able to get an education. The Center follows up and monitors girls’ progress and also educates community members on the dangers of FGM and child marriage.

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  • #EndSARS: Impact Of Judicial Panels In Facilitating Justice For Victims Of Police Brutalities

    Protests against alleged brutality and extrajudicial killings by Nigeria's Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) led to demands for judicial panels of inquiry to investigate the abuses and provide justice to victims. Of Nigeria's 36 states, 29 set up panels of inquiry, and seven of those submitted reports and recommendations. Some victims have been compensated for illegal arrests and beatings. While critics say these measures don't go far enough, they concede the reports and payments have provided at least some accountability.

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  • In Borno, fuel-efficient stoves keep women out of danger

    Borno State, a state in north-eastern Nigeria, is one of the most terrorized states in north-eastern Nigeria. When women go out to fetch firewood to burn their stoves they risk their livelihood. They can be abducted or raped. To help, the Food and Agriculture Organization launched the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy Project, 50,000 women have received fuel-efficient stoves. The stoves are produced in three regional centers by locals and with locally sourced raw materials like mud and clay.

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  • Growing a Just Future in Tulsa

    To mark the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, in which a white mob killed hundreds of Black residents and destroyed the thriving neighborhood of Greenwood, the Centennial Commission supported a number of initiatives to learn from the past and build a better future. At the base of an ancient elm tree that witnessed the massacre, Up With Trees distributed 100 elm seedlings to children to plant around Tulsa. The commission convinced state education officials to develop a new curriculum on the massacre for K-12 students.

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  • Michigan aiming to reduce seclusion and restraints at institutions that care for children

    After the death of a 16-year-old boy who was tackled and restrained by staff at a juvenile justice facility, Michigan children's services officials imposed emergency rules limiting the use of restraints. In the past year, the use of restraints – which include handcuffs, straitjackets, even chemicals and medication – dropped from about 600 cases per month to fewer than half that. The state now is considering permanent rules restricting their use and is requiring more training for staff in preventing physical conflicts. One advocate says Pennsylvania serves as a model for nearly eliminating the problem.

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  • Why does the International Criminal Court not have more support?

    The International Criminal Court fulfilled a nearly century-old dream for a global tribunal to hear war crimes cases. In its nearly 20 years of existence, it has heard 30 cases and convicted nine people. While 123 nations recognize the court's jurisdiction, including all of Western Europe and South America, many large nations resist the court's power as an infringement on their sovereignty, including the U.S., Israel, Russia, China, India, and Indonesia. The Biden administration's stance is somewhat less hostile than the Trump administration's, but only marginally so.

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  • For this Nonprofit, Ending Female Genital Mutilation is a Mission

    The Society for the Improvement of Rural People educates communities about the physical and mental health dangers of female genital mutilation. Focusing on the five rural communities where FGM is most practiced, SIRP begins by gaining the support of religious and community leaders and then works with them to organize bigger community events where they advocate ending the practice. A particularly effective strategy has been showing a graphic and emotional video of girls undergoing the practice and women dealing with after-effects as adults. Anecdotal evidence shows that the group has changed some minds.

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