Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What California can learn from Seattle about police shootings

    Seattle has taken a comprehensive approach to police reform, including forming a community police commission, the development of policies on appropriate weapon use, more oversight on police force, and the creation of a specialty unit that focuses on mental health. While there has been pushback from officers, the safety of officers hasn’t been compromised and the use of force has decreased by sixty percent. With some calling it a success, California seeks to implement similar reform at the state level.

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  • In Myanmar, underground poetry nights build bridges between Rohingya and Burmese writers

    Underground poetry nights build bridges between Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and Burmese writers in Myanmar. Over video, Rohingya poets who fled persecution in Myanmar can connect with people from their home country and share their art. The events are covert because it's dangerous to support Rohingya in Myanmar, but the event is empowering contributors through collaboration and shared activism. There are about 150 Rohingya poets in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

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  • How giant African rats are helping uncover deadly land mines in Cambodia

    Cambodia is littered with unexploded land mines, posing a huge threat to people even decades after the conflict. In order to help locate and remove mines, a unique organization named Apopo trains rats to sniff them out. Rats have extremely sensitive noses and have found about 500 mines and more than 350 unexploded bombs in Cambodia since 2016. The drawback is the pace of the long, tedious, and dangerous work.

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  • In Chicago, Police Violence Survivors Heal Through Song

    Communal healing represents reparations in action. The Chicago Torture Justice Center, created in 2015 through a Chicago City Council reparations ordinance, advocates for wrongfully imprisoned Black men, as well as for victims of violence and torture at the hands of police. At the community center, area nonprofits like the Old Town School of Folk Music, lead workshops like the Freedom Songbook. The program uses protest songs as a way to encourage resiliency and healing in survivors.

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  • These Young Activists Are Fighting Chicago's Gun Violence With Lobbying and Group Hugs

    A group in Chicago called Good Kids, Mad City is made up of youth who have been affected by gun violence. They offer support and accountability to each other and use the group as a way to cope with the daily violence they face every day. In addition to the therapeutic benefits of the group, the youth have even lobbied and passed legislation that expunges non-violent marijuana offenses as part of the state’s marijuana legalization proposal.

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  • Gun owners in New Zealand voluntarily surrender more than 10,000 firearms

    Since July 2019, New Zealand has held gun buybacks across the country and collected over 10,000 firearms. After a mass shooting at Christchurch mosque, the government rushed through legislation to ban semi-automatic and automatic firearms, offering owners of such weapons cash and a no-questions-asked policy. Such legislation has been implemented in other countries as well, including Australia, who in 1996 collected over 600,000 weapons.

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  • New Zealand gun buyback: 10,000 firearms returned after Christchurch attack

    A month after a mass shooting at New Zealand’s Christchurch mosque, New Zealand’s government has bought back over 10,000 firearms. The country passed legislation banning automatic and semi-automatic weapons a month after the event, setting aside $150 million New Zealand dollars for the buyback, and offering a no-questions-asked policy for those that do turn them in.

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  • How Do You Stop Abusive Relationships? Teach Teens How to Be Respectful Partners

    A program called RAPP (Relationship Abuse Prevention Program) uses safe spaces for teens to talk about their romantic relationships with both peer and adult leaders as a way to prevent abusive relationships through education. It is supported by New York City's Human Resources Administration, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, Day One, and Steps to End Violence and Urban Resource Institute (URI). The program is now in 94 schools across the city, and participants / peer leaders testify to how much it changed their lives.

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  • How They Did It: Exposing Police Violence Against the Yellow Vests

    In what started as a series of posts on Twitter and evolved into a public database published by an investigative media outlet, Mediapart, a lone reporter documented police violence against France's Yellow Vest protesters in an act of accountability that had been neglected by other journalists and the government. David Dufresne's “Allô Place Beauvau” (a "hello" to France's interior ministry) documented 800 cases of police violence or misbehavior. Many of the cases came to Dufresne as tips from the public, which he then verified. His work was cited by French and international authorities.

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  • At Transgéneros Unidas, Latinas find refuge and fellowship

    For two hours every Thursday, a support group for transgender Latina women called Transgéneros Unidas is held in Long Beach, California. Run by an organization called Bienestar, several cities in CA host these meetings for the women to discuss issues in their communities, health risks as transwomen, and past trauma. Group members view the group as an essential part of their support system and are greatly comforted by the community.

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