Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nairobi's 'Gender Defenders' Use Victimhood to Fight Back

    After surviving a traumatic sexual assault in Nairobi, Wangu Kanja founded the Wangu Kanja Foundation to raise awareness of and prevent gender-based violence. The foundation also provides medical, legal, and psychsocial assistance to survivors, shapes policy, and empowers women financially. One program, called "Gender Defenders," pairs past survivors with recent survivors to provide immediate support.

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  • Saving Lives With Tech Amid Syria's Endless Civil War

    For people living in Syria, minutes can save people from dying due to bomb strikes. So three men got together and created Hala, and launched a warning system that uses data from aircraft to predict where and when warplanes will strike, then notifies nearby people. Now, the Hala team has 60,000 followers on Facebook, and 16,400 Telegram channel subscribers. “Without the Sentry warning, my family and I would probably be dead.”

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  • How to Stop Human Trafficking, Through the Eyes of a Trucker

    Truckers are ideally placed to spot and report sex trafficking. “They’ve been trained to be vigilant and they’re on the city streets, pulling into areas and being put up in hotels where this happens,” says Kylla Lanier, deputy director for Truckers Against Trafficking.

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  • The Activists Using Embroidery to Protest Mexico's Murder Epidemic

    The Fuentes Rojas call attention to Mexico's staggering murder rate and commemorate the lives of victims by staging interventions in public space. By hanging handkerchiefs embroidered with details of a victim's life, the group creates a visceral, empathetic memorial for those that have been lost.

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  • In northern Uganda, these women move past insurgency by baking cakes

    Sylvia Acan, co-founded Golden Women vision, an organization that teaches Ugandan women to bake cakes with the aim of helping them improve their social economic status. Many of the women, like Acan, became victims of sexual assault or gender based violence during the Ugandan war insurgency. Now, Golden Women Vision has “61 members: widows, single mothers (some whose children were abducted and never returned), domestic abuse survivors and former abductees.”

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  • Thai orchestra fights bloodshed with music

    In the midst of chaos and bloodshed between Muslims and Buddhists, a small province in Thailand has created a youth orchestra to bridge divides between people. The orchestra was met with initial skepticism but has since grown to over 150 children playing regularly with 650 graduates of the program. Their performances are always sold out, and the model has since been replicated in other parts of Thailand.

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  • Community Policing Problems

    The Elgin, Illinois police department has been heralded as having the most successful community policing program in the country. There, officers are embedded within the communities they serve and are expected to create a synergy between police and communities. It has grown in popularity as law enforcement across the country come under scrutiny for being disconnected from the neighborhoods they’re supposed to serve. It bears questioning whether this form of policing can be a useful response, or if it’s just another form of surveillance that upholds power imbalances.

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  • Post-conflict therapy in the DRC could halt the descent back into violence

    The Congolese organization Living Peace Institute is working to heal the psychological trauma caused by the civil war fought from 1998 to 2003 which left millions dead. This work includes group therapy sessions, destigmatizing trauma, and an examination of harmful gender roles.

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  • Drone Art

    The use of drones as tools of surveillance and military violence are a fixture of America’s foreign policy. However it is very difficult, due to secrecy and a lack of media coverage, to understand the scope of their use and their impact. Recent art projects have used footage from drones to visualize the hidden and powerful nature of these machines as well as the death and destruction they have caused among civilians in other countries.

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  • Mosul: Overcoming the trauma of IS rule, one haircut at a time

    In a post-war Iraq, a salon has become a gathering place for women to share their stories of trauma, and heal. “The salon is necessary. For women to continue, they need it. Women must have it.”

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