Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • China gets tough on US recyclables. How one Maine town is fighting back.

    When China, the country that processes much of the United State's recyclables, became much more stringent about how much contaminated recycling it would accept, municipalities had to figure out how to avoid the fines that could come with recycling done wrong. In Sanford, Maine, they manages to cut their contamination rate from 15-20% to 0-3% by investing in more serious inspections and helping residents learn what is recyclable and what isn't.

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  • This company converts food byproducts into new, healthy food

    Renewal Mill, a food company based in Oakland, is taking on food waste in a big way. The company produces goods from previously wasted byproducts, such as a fiber-rich, gluten-free flour that was once a wasted tofu byproduct. Partnering with other companies, such processes could use close to 100 percent of raw materials.

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  • Taiwan has one of the highest recycling rates in the world. Here's how that happened.

    Taiwan, despite housing 23 million people on a densely populated island, claims one of the highest recycling and reuse rates in the world. The government has created incentives for private companies, which throw some catchy tunes in the mix. But whether or not a country recycles remains, largely, a question of willpower.

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  • Climate-Positive Architecture Has Arrived In Norway

    Powerhouse, a collective of architects, engineers, environmentalists, and designers based in Oslo, reimagines building design to address climate change. Not only are many of their structures energy-neutral, but they actually produce surplus energy. For example, Powerhouse Brattørkaia in Trondheim is an eight-story office that will generate 485,000 kWh annually. Such "energy-positive" building has made great strides in Norway.

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  • In Nigeria, a green stove addresses health, the environment and employment

    Green Energy Biofuels was created when Femi Oye wanted to find a cookstove that minimizes harm. The cookstove uses biofuel, which reuses waste, and the stove is also safer and more energy efficient. He estimates it has reduced carbon emissions by over 600,000 tons since the company began. Still, one challenge is convincing Nigerians to pay more, albeit for a safer appliance.

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  • Meet Greece's Marine Trash Collectors Diving To Keep Their Sea Beautiful

    Greece is not known favorably for their recycling habits, but a few local residents have made it their mission to change this in order to reduce ocean litter. From turning plastics into furniture to forming a diving coalition to remove plastic waste from the sea, these Greeks are hoping their actions will inspire others to follow suit.

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  • How farmers in Punjab are using the practice of mulching to fight climate change

    In Punjab's Sangrur district, some farmers are choosing to mulch rather than burn crop residue. The benefits of mulching are two-fold: increased soil health and reduced air pollution. But a lot of growers in the area still burn, and many are frustrated that the government offers no incentives to mulch.

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  • This Swedish Mall Is The World's First Ever Secondhand Shopping Center

    ReTuna, a new Swedish shopping mall, features exclusively items that are used, secondhand, or made sustainably. The mall is hoping to help consumers save money, as well as decrease waste and improve the shopping experience for secondhand goods. It is also employing many immigrants through a government training program. Though this specific shopping mall model is new, countries around the world have slowly started new methods to reduce waste.

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  • House That! Your Dream Home Could Be Made Out of Plastic

    A social entrepreneur in India is taking plastic waste and using it to make housing structures. Prashanth Lingam takes the waste and turns it into roofing sheets, tiles, and other objects. For example, he built a house for parking staff at a local metro station and 5 million plastic bags were used just on the roof. The cost of these structures are higher than regular houses, but repurposing plastic into other objects could be a potential sustainability solution for the country.

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  • Sucking Carbon Out of the Air Is One Way to Help Save Our Planet

    While many organizations and individuals are working on solutions to address climate change worldwide, a company in Iceland is focusing on removing carbon dioxide directly from the air. Although small in scale, this new technology known as direct air capture has made it possible to suck the carbon dioxide from the air and turn the emissions into stone.

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