Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn

    Teenagers consume a large amount of pornographic media at the same time that they are developing ideas about their sexual identity and preferences. A “porn literacy” class offered to Boston high school students helps them to better understand the dynamics of what they are seeing and avoid the growth of potential harmful ideas about body image, consent, and expectations.

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  • Before #MeToo, women janitors organized to fight workplace harassment

    After watching a documentary film about women janitors getting assaulted during the night shift, janitors began to organize around a campaign called “Ya Basta — “Enough is Enough.” They began to protest for legislation that would protect them. A bill that would require supervisors to undergo sexual harassment training was sent to the floor, and janitors participated in a five day hunger strike calling for the governor to sign it. "Not just one or two, but thousands are behind me, speaking up. Maybe our world as immigrant women will change.”

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  • In push to 'fast track' women into office, gender quotas gain traction

    Starting in the mid 1980s and 1990s, African and Latin American countries began to implement “gender quotas” to integrate more women in politics. Now, “12 of the top 20 countries in the world for women’s legislative representation are in Africa and Latin America.”

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  • A group of janitors started a movement to stop sexual abuse

    After a documentary brought to light the prevalence of sexual assault experiences by women janitors, a California janitors union decided it was going to do something about the issue. Women leaders within the union convinced leadership to take on the issue, got a state representative to sponsor a bill to curb sexual harassment in the janitorial industry, and workers held a hunger strike at the state capitol. Every janitor must now have "anti-sexual harassment training," and employers must integrate the law into practice in order to do business.

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  • Colombia's peace agreement is the world's first to have gender at its core

    Colombia’s 2016 peace accord has a chapter on gender and sections specifically responsive to women’s needs, such as an affirmation of women’s right to own land and the establishment of a special unit to investigate conflict-related sexual violence. These provisions, a result of trailblazing inclusion of women and LGBTQ groups in the peace process, break new ground in recognizing the gendered impacts of armed conflict.

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  • How to enforce gender equality? Iceland tests the waters

    Although Iceland has ranked the most gender equal nation in the world by The Word Economic Forum, there is still a gender pay gap. A new law might change that. Iceland has become the first, and only country to punish companies that pay women less than men.

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  • Rwanda: Gender equality

    Rwanda has the smallest gender gap in Africa. Women’s access to education, healthcare, politics, and property is considered across the board in policymaking from law to national budgeting. Gender-based violence continues to be a problem like elsewhere in the world, but women’s economic and political participation is strong. “I can walk into a boardroom and forget I’m a woman,” said Isabelle Masozera, a PR executive.

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  • Iceland hopes to get rid of the gender pay gap with a revolutionary new law

    Iceland is hoping to become the first country to eliminate the pay gap between men and women after it imposed a law that mandates companies get an equal pay certification or face a fine.”This law is thought to be the first of its kind.”

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  • Lessons for Hollywood's women from tomato pickers in Florida

    In Florida, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers found a way to end sexual harassment on the tomato fields. Through organizing, they convinced big companies like McDonald’s and Walmart to only buy tomatoes from “fields that were part of the Fair Food Program, which basically meant the tomatoes they would sell or cook came from fields where workers are treated justly.” That’s just one of the methods the coalition took to create “real world consequences.”

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  • The Unlikely Industry Empowering Women in Afghanistan

    Laila Haidary is breaking with tradition, she owns her own restaurant in Kabul, and forms part of a growing trend where women are owning or managing restaurants and denting the male dominated industry. “This idea in itself had its own challenges because our extremely conservative society does not always approve of artistic expressions. Added to that, the fact it is run by a businesswoman makes many people uncomfortable,” she says.”

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