Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Roanoke man creates group to unite the region's Black fathers

    Black Father Families unites Black fathers to provide support and education, while also countering stereotypes that Black fathers are not as competent and/or are absent from their children’s’ lives, which is often internalized without realizing it. The Facebook page posts videos of Black fathers sharing their experiences and advice on fatherhood. The group also organized the Black Father Family Festival so fathers could meet in person. Now, the group supports men as they are trying to figure out how to talk with their children about the social issues and civil rights protests going on around the world.

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  • The growing global movement to end outdoor advertising

    There are 29 Resistance to Advertising Aggression (RAP) groups working in France to ban outdoor advertising such as billboards. The groups worked with the mayor in the city of Grenoble to cancel a contract for 326 outdoor ads. While not all contracts can be changed, RAPs are particularly focused on stopping digital signs because the energy required to run them is harmful to the environment. Groups in the United Kingdom, São Paulo, New Delhi, and Tehran have won campaigns to remove billboards and other outdoor ads, which research shows reinforce sexist and capitalist ideologies.

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  • Why Haven't Sexual-Assault Statistics Improved?

    Colleges and universities, required to educate students and staff about sexual assault prevention, use thousands of courses and programs, hardly any of which have been shown to be effective. Campus sexual assaults have continued to rise while the education industry flourishes. While there is no single gold-standard program, one with the best evidence of effectiveness is Flip the Script, or Enhanced Assess Acknowledge Act. It is based on teaching women to overcome mental barriers to recognizing risk posed by acquaintances. High costs and time commitments have kept enrollment low, despite proof it works.

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  • As Domestic Abuse Rises, U.K. Failings Leave Victims in Peril

    Ignoring the pleas of victim-aid groups and the examples set by other countries, the British government and courts failed to protect domestic violence victims during the pandemic. Italy, Spain, Germany, and New Zealand provided for emergency shelter for victims trapped at home with their abusers or made other preparations a formal part of their lockdown plans. But in England, where at least 26 deaths and multiple cases of abuse are blamed on the government’s failures, shelters overflowed and orders of protection went unenforced because of a lack of funding and effective planning.

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  • Dad school: How to be a better father

    Fatherhood classes in Rwanda teach men to be better dads and husbands, challenging traditional gender roles. Topics include taking care of babies, resolving domestic conflicts, sharing household decisions, and explaining sexual violence within a marriage. Participants report gaining new understandings and changing their behavior. One study found men who completed the class were half as likely to commit violence towards their wife in the future. 1,700 men have completed the course since it started in 2014, just a small fraction of the population, but there are plans to scale the program countrywide.

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  • How Sweden's new consent law led to a 75% rise in rape convictions

    In the nearly two years since Sweden broadened the definition of rape offenses to include cases in which a victim fails to signal consent, both the reports of alleged rapes and convictions have risen. During that time, 76 convictions were in cases that previously would not have been classified as rape because they lacked evidence of force, threat, or sex with an incapacitated victim. Rapes still go largely unreported to police and there's still no evidence that the new law will achieve the ultimate goal of reducing the incidence of rape.

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  • Europe offers creative ways to fight domestic violence during Covid-19. Why not bring them to Philadelphia?

    Philadelphia’s domestic violence shelters filled during the pandemic, emergency funding ran dry, and officials offered victims little recourse if they were trapped at home with their abusers. These gaps in protection could be remedied by copying what has been done in Spain and France, where pharmacists were enlisted to turn coded language – a request for a particular kind of mask – into a call for help, and pop-up counseling centers at supermarkets and funding for emergency shelter and counseling organizations expanded to keep pace with a spike in incidents.

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  • Women-led mutual aid initiatives in the age of COVID-19

    In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, groups of women around the world have started mutual aid initiatives such as coordinating volunteers to help immuno-compromised residents get groceries and other essential goods and raising money for emergency aid. Women have a long history organizing mutual aid ventures in response to social problems and crises. Though operating to scale can be difficult because it requires a lot of volunteers and coordination, women-initiated groups in the United States and United Kingdom provide aid and services to meet needs not being met by governments and elected officials.

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  • Not just another statistic

    The number of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada is high, so a group of Indigenous women formed an organization called Power Our Women (POW) to teach other Indigenous women across the country self-defense skills. Participants talk about their cultures, learn physical self-defense, build confidence, and learn situational awareness. Participants describe the program as healing but difficult. POW has now reached more than 5,000 women across Canada, including remote areas in northern Manitoba.

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  • Sweden's male-only supper clubs...for feminists

    Private dinners for only men to discuss notions of feminism and toxic masculinity have been picking up in interest across Sweden. What started in earnest following a string of assaults against women in 2016 has now become more commonplace after the #MeToo movement. Male participants testify to how comforting it is to be able to talk these issues out amongst men and figure out the best ways to act with people that they don't know as well as their own group of friends. The program now has served thousands of men across Sweden and is also publishing online guides for anyone to set up similar conversations.

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