Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 'Come and See Me—My Grave Is Open': Finding Life After Deportation in Nogales, Sonora

    For many people who were deported to Mexico after decades living in the United States, the city of Nogales provides a renewed sense of community. The city is home to the Centro de Sueños rehabilitation center, or Dream Center, a place where many Mexican individuals deported by the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement find shelter, food, support, jobs, and new families. Built by a preacher from Phoenix, the Dream Center gives participants a renewed sense of hope.

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  • Blight is eating American cities. Here's how Mobile, Alabama, stopped it

    While the entire nation struggles to combat blight and rundown housing, the city of Mobile, Alabama put together a task force and managed to slow the spread of blight in the town and even change the state constitution. Now, the city is able to purchase blighted houses, make necessary repairs, and combat racial inequality while doing it.

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  • People Are Helping Animals Cross Highways — That's Great for Humans, Too

    Across the United States, cities are designing ways for wildlife to cross major roadways. Whether they’re overpasses crossing highways or tunnels under freeways, these helpful pathways are strategically placed to help save the most wildlife. Seeing huge successes, including a casualty rate decline of close to 94% – conservationists are calling for more legislation to help protect and maintain such efforts.

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  • Business Liaison Officers To Be Placed Across Chicago

    After incidences of crime, Chicago’s business liaison officers help business owners communicate what they need in terms of protection and prevention back to the district’s police department. Infrastructure, like security cameras, and personnel are often requested, and as this has shown a positive impact, the city hopes to expand across Chicago.

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  • Savings Accounts for Disabled Americans Catch On, but Slowly

    State-based accounts allow people with disabilities to save money for education and other expenses while still maintaining eligibility for federal benefits. Supporters of the tool think it could reach and help many more.

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  • A Program Gives Jobs To Those Most At Risk For Violence; Can Chicago Afford It?

    An anti-violence program in Chicago called the Rapid Employment and Development Initiative, or READI, identifies and engages with those most vulnerable to partake or be a victim of gun violence, and provides them with the support they need to avoid it. Born out of a collaboration between the University of Chicago’s Crime and Education Lab and various philanthropical efforts, READI gives participants job counseling and therapy to cope with current and past traumas. While it’s seen demonstrable success, it hopes to expand with the financial support from the city.

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  • Oregon is poised to set a cap on greenhouse gas emissions. That's a huge deal.

    A bill in Oregon has the potential to transform the way greenhouse gases are treated in the Pacific Northwest and potentially across the country. The Clean Energy Jobs Bill is an extremely detailed attempt to build a cap and trade system that also makes thoughtful exceptions along a carefully-planned timeline, with the support of environmental justice advocates as well as construction and trade workers. Though still in the early stages, this bill could transform the scale at which states approach greenhouse gas reduction.

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  • A Hub for Justice

    The city of Philadelphia has been experimenting and iterating on the development of a Juvenile Justice Hub – a program that would transform interactions between the city’s youth and the police. The Hub is in the testing phase, as it is part of a Bloomberg Philanthropies competition for $1 million in grant funding. If received, the city would be able to officially deploy the ideas it has been testing, like training police in trauma and providing more social services for kids who are picked up by police.

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  • Sweden Finds a Simple Way to Improve New Mothers' Health. It Involves Fathers.

    New mothers are often overwhelmed once they leave the support of the hospital and find themselves home alone with a newborn. In Sweden, a new law that allows the other parent to take a month off from work to help with infant care has shown promising results in reducing maternal stress and improving overall health.

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  • California: Epicenter of Mass Incarceration Reform

    Following a Supreme Court mandate requiring California to address prison overcrowding, the state has taken numerous initiatives to reduce sentences, relocate inmates, set higher accountability measures for law enforcement, and allocate more funding for re-entry programs. While these measures have been implemented across the state, the city of Stockton has been a leader after electing the nation’s youngest – and Stockton’s first African American – mayor, Michael Tubbs. Since then, the city has adopted reforms such as universal basic income and mentorship programs and has witnessed a 40% drop in homicides.

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