Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Tiny Branson has plenty of water. But like other small rural delivery systems in Colorado, it must find a way to meet new state standards.

    Innovation is the key to resilience. In Branson, Colorado, the community of only 55 residents and with volunteer town council has taken on the massive task of bringing its water system up to compliance with the Colorado Department of Health. Because the state and federal government did not have the specific resources to assist Branson, the community turned to a locally developed, innovative water filtration system and an unorthodox funding campaign to pay for it.

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  • How stricter vaccine laws spared California from a major measles outbreak

    The only way to eliminate a communicable disease, such as measles, is to achieve herd immunity, but due to recent anti-vaccination campaigns, the vaccination rate fell so low that the measles resurfaced in the U.S. To combat the contagion from getting worse, California enacted laws that prohibited people from choosing not to be vaccinated.

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  • Mississippi Leads the Nation in Criminal Justice Reform

    The state of Mississippi has taken drastic steps in reforming their criminal justice system, pointing to a nationwide cultural shift as a driving force. State legislation, such as expanding parole eligibility, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences, and barring licensing boards from discriminating against individuals who used to be incarcerated are just a handful of policies the state has championed. The reform has led to a prison population decrease of 11% and state savings of $46 million

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  • The traffic solution most cities haven't tried

    Cities across the world have implemented “congestion pricing” – meaning that cars in high-traffic areas will have to pay a fee to drive within those limits. New York City is one of the most recent cities to potentially implement this approach in its attempt to reduce congestion and encourage walking, biking, and public transportation.

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  • Fishermen fight to survive on the world's second largest lake

    To reduce illegal fishing on Lake Victoria, Uganda overhauled management systems and sent in soldiers, who seized and burned illicit gear. Fish stocks appear to be rebounding, and outside investors are bringing in new development. However, some poor fishers lost their livelihoods and houses, and allegedly even their lives, in the crackdown.

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  • California's Latest Weapon Against Climate Change Is Low-Tech Farm Soil

    California’s Healthy Soils Initiative is providing funding for farmers across the state to grow cover crops that will help move carbon from the air to the soil. Doing so not only cleans the air, but helps the soil and crops retain moisture in a state that has often faced water scarcity. Besides being a response to climate change, the initiative has bridged the deep divide between California’s coastal and valley populations, showing that they need each other to respond to climate issues.

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  • In A Culture That Loves Guns, How Do You Talk About Suicide?

    In Utah, the Northeastern Counseling Center had a booth at a local gun show to give away gun safety devices and provide information on suicide prevention. The booth, which has made a few stops at public events, is just one response to the alarmingly high suicide rates in northeastern Utah. It’s part of a larger, statewide shift that includes legislation to create programs that respond to mental health concerns and bolsters firearm safety.

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  • At Transgéneros Unidas, Latinas find refuge and fellowship

    For two hours every Thursday, a support group for transgender Latina women called Transgéneros Unidas is held in Long Beach, California. Run by an organization called Bienestar, several cities in CA host these meetings for the women to discuss issues in their communities, health risks as transwomen, and past trauma. Group members view the group as an essential part of their support system and are greatly comforted by the community.

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  • The Town That Extended ‘Smart Growth' to Its Water

    Haunted by a 1962 drought in the town of Westminster, Colorado, the city's planners now incorporate water data in their planning processes to ensure that they never face the same sourcing issues again. By breaking down the silos between its water management and planning departments, the town has figured out how to manage its finite water resources, even in the face of a ballooning population. Now, other towns are following suit.

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  • Knife crime: Glasgow, Scotland

    In Glasgow, Scotland, the city is taking a public health approach to knife crime. Instead of just grappling with the effects of violence, the city is taking a preventative, multi-pronged approach and addressing some of the underlying issues driving violence and crime in the area. While there are many interventions, common themes include building trust and offering support to those who could be vulnerable to committing violent acts.

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