Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • More states adopting gun-seizure laws after Parkland tragedy

    Across the United States, state legislatures are passing “red flag” laws as a preventative effort to mass shootings. These laws make it possible for law enforcement to take guns away from people showing signs of violence or suicide. While there has been push back from gun-rights advocates, with fourteens states passing laws like these, it seem to be a part of a larger, cultural shift.

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  • This Country Gave People $640 A Month, No Strings Attached. Here's What Happened.

    In Finland, preliminary results from the country's first experiments with Universal Basic Income are being released - and while impacts on employment rates are still up in the air, providing a basic income seemed to improve overall well-being and reduce financial stress amongst participants. It is among a group of basic income pilots taking place across the world, including in countries like Kenya and Canada, but detractors of the expensive program say that the results don't prove it's a success quite yet.

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  • Paying for success: The story of how Utah became a leader in social impact investing

    Utah played a key role in passing federal legislation that set aside $100 million for underserved communities — without the government having to pay a dollar upfront. In this model, the government doesn’t pay for any social program that isn’t successful. If there isn't a measurable impact, private investors take the financial hit — not taxpayers. If carefully measured data proves that the program was successful, only then does the government pay back investors.

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  • ‘A Light for Me in the Darkness': For Migrant Detainees, a Bond Forged by Letter

    For migrant detainees in San Diego County's Otay Mesa Detention Center, a recent letter writing campaign from participants at nearby San Diego State University has brought a small form of hope and courage. The university library released hundreds of letters between detainees and university participants, which served to humanize the immigration debate. “In the U.S. our tendency is to really dehumanize migrants,” said Kate Swanson, another geography professor at San Diego State. “We put them in these concrete boxes. This helps them become visible.”

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  • When refugees need emergency help with a language barrier, this app connects them to a translator

    A new mobile app called Tarjimly connects refugees with much needed translation services, especially in times of emergency. With over 8,000 volunteer translators who speak over 90 languages, the adaptable app can break down language barriers in any situation in which a refugee has access to a mobile phone.

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  • San Francisco shares its schoolyards, opening communities to green spaces and one another's lives

    Access to green spaces improves the well being of individuals and neighborhoods alike. By turning schoolyards into publicly accessible green spaces, the city of San Francisco’s Shared Schoolyard Program created spaces where not only children, but also urban communities, can interact with and experience nature. The schoolyards provide a vital recreational resource and meeting space for entire neighborhoods and communities.

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  • FGCU's geothermal air conditioner reduces impact on the environment

    Florida Gulf Coast University utilizes a cooling plant that serves as the primary air-conditioning unit for multiple buildings on campus. This plant uses geothermal energy, which compared with traditional air conditioning units, has less of an impact on the environment and saves the university money on its power bill. FGCU currently has 146 total thermal storage tanks producing over 23,000 tons of cooling capacity for its academic buildings.

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  • ‘Feels like home': Israeli school for migrant kids wins by bridging worlds

    A school in Tel Aviv welcomes immigrant and refugee children with open arms, providing language classes, long school days, extracurricular activities, and more. Members of the community volunteer to tutor and lead after-school courses, allowing children to learn while their parents work late. Now, more schools are popping up in Tel Aviv with similar aspirations.

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  • Cities across Colorado saw how gentrification impacted Denver. They're trying to avoid the same pitfalls.

    As gentrification drives involuntary displacement in Denver, Colorado, the city planners elsewhere in Colorado aim to avoid the same fate by instituting policy safeguards. Fort Collins has put in extra protection for mobile home parks, one of the only viable housing options for low-income residents, and another city program controls utility costs.

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  • This Israeli Facebook group is a lifeline for women caught in a cycle of prostitution

    An Israeli Facebook group serves as a women's network for current or former prostitutes seeking help and support. The Hebrew-language group, called Lo Omdot Mineged, provides help in many forms, ranging from crowdsourcing money for groceries to building alliances with women struggling to find work outside of prostitution.

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