Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Incarcerated fathers connect with children thanks to local program

    In Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the Passages program, part of its larger Fatherhood Initiative, aims to help men become more involved parents. The program, instituted in the hopes of reducing recidivism rates and creating stronger male role models in the community, provides participants with job training, emotional support, and the skills they need to be active parents for their families.

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  • Isolate & Cure: Katsina could stop spread of outbreaks with isolation centres

    In Katsina, Nigeria, the region has made significant public health strides toward infectious disease prevention and control. The country’s Centre for Disease Control, the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, and Emergency Operations Centre are all leading efforts to increase immunization, inform people about prevention and treatment, and increase the infrastructure to treat outbreaks when they occur.

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  • Former British intelligence specialists training network of spies to save Rhinos and Elephants 

    The illegal wildlife trade is consistently a big problem across Africa. To help tackle the issue of poachers, a company called Retarius uses counter-terrorist operations experience by training and mentoring locals involved in the prevention fight. The program is still growing and takes place in Malawi, Cameroon, Benin, and Zambia. In Malawi specifically, the training has resulted in 114 arrests made and 1000 kgs of ivory seized in 2018.

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  • Lawrence reborn: A polluted mill town reclaims its future

    Grants from the US Environmental Protection Agency empower local communities—and workers—to redevelop abandoned industrial sites. These sites, known as brownfields, are often left in disuse because of the presence of hazardous pollutants. In Lawrence, Massachusetts, public and nonprofit job training programs funded by the EPA retool locals in environmental remediation. These new jobs help economically disadvantaged communities platform toward a more sustainable future; and they promote new development, attracting further investment.

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  • Fighting malaria in the remote reaches of Cambodia

    A pilot program in western Cambodia is taking a coordinated, localized approach to decreasing cases of malaria in remote, hard to reach areas. The U.S.-funded program called the President’s Malaria Initiative operates on two levels: rapid detection and reporting as well as training and paying local residents to detect, treat, and educate their communities about the parasite. The hyper-local approach helps receive buy-in and trust from residents, who are often fearful of officials coming into their towns.

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  • Oregon Promise: How Oregon makes college possible for low-income and first-generation students

    The Oregon Promise, which will pay a portion of an in-state student's tuition towards one of Oregon's community colleges, has been a game changer for some undocumented, first-generation, and low-income students. While the program still has kinks to iron out and has not proven the right fit for all students, it has made higher education a reality for many students who didn't formerly think pursuing education beyond high school was a realistic option.

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  • Dutch eco initiative halves energy bills in first UK homes

    By piloting a Dutch initiative to make homes more energy efficient with new windows and solar panels in the United Kingdom, tenants are seeing their monthly energy bills decrease by almost half. More than 150 social housing homes in Nottingham are testing the “Energiesprong” approach, which has already seen success in the Netherlands.

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  • Athens' Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Addresses Resident Needs

    In Athens, Georgia, an ombudsman program for long-term care residents at senior and nursing homes is holding institutions accountable and ensuring that residents' complaints are heard. The program comes from a requirement in the amended Older Americans Act and encompasses anything from complaints about food to hygiene to being treated with dignity.

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  • China gets tough on US recyclables. How one Maine town is fighting back.

    When China, the country that processes much of the United State's recyclables, became much more stringent about how much contaminated recycling it would accept, municipalities had to figure out how to avoid the fines that could come with recycling done wrong. In Sanford, Maine, they manages to cut their contamination rate from 15-20% to 0-3% by investing in more serious inspections and helping residents learn what is recyclable and what isn't.

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  • How a Guatemalan Town Tackled Its Plastic Problem

    San Pedro La Laguna, a town in Guatemala, has banned single use plastics including plastic bags and straws after realizing that plastic pollution was ruining the ecosystem of Lake Atitlan and that a new waste facility would be unable to handle the amount of garbage created in the village. To ensure that people follow the new regulation, there are heavy fees - but the town also bought traditionally made biodegradable replacements; the change is being framed as a way to return to traditional, indigenous ways for the communities.

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