Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Pakistan Tries a New Way to Pay for a Dam: Crowdsourcing

    Under financial strain, Pakistan is asking its citizens and Pakistanis abroad to donate money to build two dams. Only $48 million of the estimated cost of $14 billion has been raised so far, yet the country’s new prime minister Imran Khan is optimistic. “We can build dams in five years if the donations continue,” he said.

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  • This Could Be The Most Progressive Country On Earth

    In New Zealand politics, families, children, and the environment come first. Amidst the rise of right-wing populist governments, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stands out for her energy fighting for progressive values and positivity. Her track record already shows a raise in paid parental leave to 26 weeks, time off policy for victims of domestic violence, and a ban on new exploration of oil and gas. Though she admits change is slower than ideal, Ardern stands out for being a leader that voices the need for change and then acts on it.

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  • Turning soldiers into scholars by turning military experience into college credit

    When some veterans conclude their military service, it can be challenging to return to college when they have to start from square one. Twenty-four states have passed laws granting academic credit for military service. PBS NewsHour host Hari Sreenivasan asks "how do you evaluate how to get credit for those life experiences that they have had?"

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  • Houston Looks for a Smarter, More Equitable Path to Hurricane Recovery

    The city of Houston is changing its approach to measuring the full scope of damage from Hurricane Harvey so it can get help where it is most needed and improve future flood mitigation. Using data from numerous sources, Civis Analytics found unmet housing needs were far greater than initially recorded and low-income areas were hit disproportionately harder, even though recovery funding often goes to areas with higher housing values. Now city officials are working to implement solutions based on the data in order to allocate limited funds where they will be most effective.

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  • Unfinished business? Vancouver mayor departs with 'Greenest City' goal uncertain

    In 2008, Vancouver’s mayoral candidate Gregor Robertson said he would transform the city to be the world’s greenest by 2020. One decade later, steps toward decreasing greenhouse gas emissions have been made, but the 2020 prospect seems much farther ahead. While the city has run into obstacles, the Canadian city is moving forward to achieve its next goal: for buildings to produce more energy than they use.

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  • Lafayette Trades Oil for Cajun Songcraft to Drive Economy

    Layette is replatforming itself to embrace local culture over a dangerous oil dependency. CREATE, a voter-approved initiative in the city, funds cultural events and festivals to create new economic drivers and to promote the cultural legacy of the region. The fund draws upon money designated from a larger pool of surplus property tax revenue, as well as from philanthropic donations.

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  • Where Chicago Trounces New York: Fixing Mass Transit

    While New York struggles to fund improvements to its subway system, Chicago has stepped up to find creative ways to finance its own infrastructure improvements. Shepherded forward by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the city has invested over 7 billion in the L train system since 2011. By lobbying for federal funds, raising a tax on ride sharing, and focusing rebuilding efforts over intensive months rather than years, Chicago’s subway has become more reliable and more sustainable.

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  • Iowa Civility Workshop

    At a time when American politics are more divisive and uncivil than ever before, Revive Civility Iowa and the National Institute of Civil Discourse hosted a two hour workshop to encourage civil conversation among politically opposed members of the same community. Using skill-building exercises like active listening, the workshop sought to engender tolerance in participants to reach resolutions. As one of the organizers pointed out, "The biggest mistake most of us make when we try to solve problems with others is we suggest they change their minds."

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  • Automotive company and Iraqi refugees join forces to fill workplace gaps

    When jobs needed to be filled, AGS Automotive Systems and Michigan Staffing worked together to hire Iraqi refugees who had recently arrived in Michigan. The manufacturing industry is an ideal fit for refugees who can make money, put down roots, and learn new skills. Though learning English posed a barrier, AGS provided English language classes, and the refugees have been able to succeed in these new jobs.

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  • This professor wants to power Puerto Rico with a little help from Reddit

    After Hurricane Maria devastated much of Puerto Rico, much of the country was left without power and some were subsequently left sick due to fumes from generators. After receiving a call from a relative in his home county, Professor Monxo Lopez of New York City’s Hunter College was determined to create affordable solar for his home country.

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