Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From Farm to Factory: The Rural-Urban Coalition for Immigrants' Rights

    A group of activists in Waukesha, Wisconsin are honoring the role of immigrants in the community by mobilizing 10,000 people from rural and urban areas across the state to march for the "Day without Latinx & Immigrants." The group, called Voces De La Frontera, also uses the collective power immigrant workers have in the dairy state to influence policy and gain protections for migrants. Through inclusion and conversation, Voces now has 1,500 members, nine adult chapters, and 15 youth chapters in schools, all working together to support immigrants in Wisconsin.

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  • In Search of Solution to Detroit's Water Shutoffs, Could Philly Hold the Answer?

    Detroit has a water affordability problem, with 100,000 water shutoffs for non-payment recorded since 2014. When faced with a similar problem, Philadelphia implemented an income tier-based water affordability program. Despite challenges, some think this is a solution to be tested in Detroit.

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  • How do we detoxify California's poison tap water? More democracy

    The majority of public water boards in California's San Joaquin Valley have been comprised of the same elected officials year after year. The lack of community representation on the boards as lead to many disadvantages for struggling towns where water pollution has become the norm. As evidenced in West Goshen however, diversifying the boards with local community members can lead to better water management solutions through state-funded grant opportunities.

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  • Getting books from the U.S. feeds these students' love of reading

    An organization called Books for Africa collects donations of books from all over the country to send to schools in Rwanda. Books for Africa has sent over 41 million books over the past 30 years to 53 different countries. Students at one of the schools receiving the books in Rwanda say they enjoy reading because it helps them improve their vocabulary and learn about American culture, but they also wish they could receive more books about Africa.

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  • Barcelona Finds a Way to Control Its Airbnb Market

    Swamped by short-term vacation rentals, Barcelona pushed Airbnb to share data with government officials and help ensure that only licensed properties are listed on the site. The agreement offers a model for how other cities can respond to the same problem.

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  • The town that refused to let austerity kill its buses

    When subsidies for local buses were cut, bus services stopped in West Oxfordshire. Rather than give in and allow retirees and children to be stuck in their homes, forward-thinking citizens stepped up and created a co-operative to run their own bus system, West Oxfordshire Community Transport. Through volunteer efforts and dedicated workers, the system is thriving and the model has spread across the UK.

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  • How Canadian Cops Ended a Decade-Long Fight Over How to Manage the World's Polar Bears

    Differing laws, policing, and management across borders has made it difficult to combat the huge industry that is Wildlife Crime, but a new approach in Canada is showing the way for some common ground. By collaborating with local sellers, a micro-chip can be attached to pelts to track their movement and discern whether the pelt is being sold illegally or not -- even across borders.

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  • How Denmark lost its MindLab: the inside story

    Denmark’s MindLab pushed experimentation and innovation in government for more than 16 years, inspiring imitators around the world. Now shut down, the innovation lab fell victim to a swift shift in political priorities, say former directors. Digital transformation of the civil service is now the focus.

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  • It's time to step away from the shiny object

    By focusing on redefining a problem and finding a human-centered solution, government agencies can make more sustainable change than by merely using a temporary technology fix. In Anchorage, civil servants used behavioral design to redesign a debt collection letter. Though not so glamorous, this solution saved the government money, increased the rate of people who pay debts on time, and pushed the government to reassess their processes to better serve residents.

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  • Can ‘Tennessee Promise' of free tuition offer lessons for Seattle and Washington?

    Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan looks to Tennessee's initiative that offers free community college education for every high-school graduate in the state. Only one year after Tennessee became the first state to offer such assistance, the college enrollment rate by five percent.

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