Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a small town reclaimed its grid and sparked a community revolution

    In Wolfhagen, Germany, one man led the quest to take back the electricity supply into the hands of the public. By entering a lengthy negotiation with E.ON, one of the biggest energy companies in the world, Martin Rühl demonstrated that public ownership of utilities would save residents money and empower them, as well. The small German town is now using its extra funding to explore renewable energy, acting as a leader for municipalities across Europe.

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  • Why good policies go wrong: Seattle's botched bikeshare model

    Traffic for both everyday commuters and tourists in big cities has increasingly become more of a hassle across nations. Various cities like Portland, Oregon have found success with bikeshare models. Seattle, however, found failure with this approach first. By learning from what didn't work, the city has been able to pilot new bikeshare models that so far are showing more potential than limitations.

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  • Fed up with high rates, a Colorado city considers ditching its utility and relying on the sun

    Residents in Pueblo, Colorado pay some of the highest electricity rates despite being one of the lowest-income cities in the state. In an attempt to become independent of the corporate utility company that determines the price of energy, the community is working to become powered by 100 percent renewable energy and convince local government to implement a city-run utility.

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  • 3 Far-Flung Cities Offer Clues to Unsnarling Manhattan's Streets

    Cities like New York that are trying to decrease traffic congestion are looking to Stockholm, London, and Singapore. These three cities have all implemented forms of congestion pricing, in which they charge drivers a fee to enter a core congestion area during peak commuting hours. Despite challenges in implementation, the congestion taxes have decreased traffic and increased driving speed in each of these cities.

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  • In El Salvador, this program lays out a path to escape gang violence

    YouthBuild El Salvador is a program, partly funded by the United States, that teaches participants leadership and marketable skills, with an underlying emphasis on empathy, responsibility, and conflict resolution. In a country wrought with violence and gang activity, the hope is to give participants another option. At the end of their time in the program, participants are more likely to find employment – something that is hard to come by in the country.

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  • A Year of Bail Reform in New Jersey

    As New Jersey continues to reform its cash bail system, other states in the region look to it as an example. The state developed an algorithm called the Public Safety Assessment that considers an individual’s likeliness to appear for their court date and whether they pose a risk of committing another crime and presents these findings and corresponding recommendations to a judge. Since the reforms have been in place, the state has seen a 20% decrease in the pre-trial jail population and an overall decrease in crime.

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  • Years-old rape kits are finally being tested. No one can agree on what to do next.

    In Virginia, a bill was passed to test around 2,902 rape kits that had never been tested. Then, the state passes another law that rules police agencies have to notify all victims that their kits have been tested. Advocates and law enforcement agents fear informing all victims will be triggering and traumatic, and prefer to inform only those whose kits result in a match. The Virginia Beach police meets with legislators in attempt to change the law, but fails. Ultimately they try to decide the best way of informing hundreds of survivors of sexual assault.

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  • A Western town says ‘no' to guns in schools

    In Mancos, Colorado, the school board voted “no” to arming school staff in the traditionally Western town. Across the United States, the question of arming teachers is being brought up as a response to the increase in school shootings. The policy is highly contested, with some saying it provides students with a feeling of safety, but others saying the risks associated are too high. For the Mancos community, such a vote is a surprise given the town’s gun-friendly history, but is explained by the increase in new residents.

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  • NYC opens ‘supportive housing' units to shelter, educate homeless

    In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio has worked with countless non-profits to try to decrease homelessness in the city. Finally, one solution is showing positive effects. Supportive housing is a type of affordable housing that includes job training programs, access to healthcare, and financial literacy education, all with the aim of keeping residents housed. Within New York, 1,400 units of supportive housing are currently funded, and 2,803 units are in the development process.

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  • Austin Just Brought Paid Sick Leave to the South

    After a coalition of activists launched a campaign that included phone banking, door to door canvassing, and social media advertising to get the city to pass a universal paid leave policy, they won. Austin passed one of the most progressive paid leave policies, ultimately benefiting more than 200,000 workers.

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