Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Tech Support for an Ailing Planet

    The advancement of technology has created the capability to consider solutions never before possible. Conservation X Labs, a startup based in Washington, D.C., has committed their focused on marrying the worlds of conservation and technology, to combat mounting concerns of international poaching and deforestation. While the scaling of the technology is stagnated largely due to the expense of technology, progress has been made and devices are actively being piloted.

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  • Norway: Recidivism Rates

    Prisons in Norway are designed to simulate life on the outside. Inmates are encouraged to work and get an education, and officers chat and do activities alongside them. Norway spends a lot of money per prisoner, but the system seems to contribute to the country’s low recidivism rates.

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  • Meet the Man Bringing Cheap Renewable Energy to His Hometown

    To combat energy cost inequality while also helping the environment, Ali Dirul started Ryter Cooperative Industries (RCI) to bring renewable energy to his hometown of Detroit. RCI is working with local partners to install solar-powered lights in low-income communities, as well as building net-zero energy homes. With the support of the city, which is investing in sustainability initiatives, RCI hopes to make energy more equitable for all.

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  • Germany: Refugee Integration

    When Germany opened its doors to refugees, the country invested heavily in integration assistance, including free but compulsory language and civics courses. Though political division has formed in Germany over immigration issues, the focus on integrating refugees recognizes, and furthers, the potential of new arrivals to contribute to society.

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  • The controversial Silicon Valley-funded quest to educate the world's poorest kids

    Founded by Silicon Valley veterans and funders in 2007 to serve the world's poorest students and most under-resourced teachers, Bridge International Academies now operates 600 low-cost private schools in Kenya, Nigeria, Liberia, Uganda, and India. In Bridge's model, teachers read scripted lessons developed abroad directly from their tablets. While supporters say Bridge is delivering an otherwise unavailable service, at scale, and is seeing improved scores and teacher attendance, critics fear Bridge takes the human element out of learning, strips teachers of agency and fails to teach critical thinking skills.

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  • With Marijuana Now Legal, L.A. Goes Further to Make Amends for the War on Drugs

    After California legalized recreational use of marijuana, Los Angeles took the initiative even further to address the social and systemic inequity caused by the war on drugs of communities of color. The city undertook criminal justice reforms like clinics to help people expunge their records, and economic reforms like prioritizing those with past convictions to receive licenses to own and operate dispensaries. Furthermore, LA is practicing restorative justice by directing the tax revenue created by this sector back into the neighborhoods that were deeply affected in the past.

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  • In push to 'fast track' women into office, gender quotas gain traction

    Starting in the mid 1980s and 1990s, African and Latin American countries began to implement “gender quotas” to integrate more women in politics. Now, “12 of the top 20 countries in the world for women’s legislative representation are in Africa and Latin America.”

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  • A group of janitors started a movement to stop sexual abuse

    After a documentary brought to light the prevalence of sexual assault experiences by women janitors, a California janitors union decided it was going to do something about the issue. Women leaders within the union convinced leadership to take on the issue, got a state representative to sponsor a bill to curb sexual harassment in the janitorial industry, and workers held a hunger strike at the state capitol. Every janitor must now have "anti-sexual harassment training," and employers must integrate the law into practice in order to do business.

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  • After a Debacle, How California Became a Role Model on Measles

    In 2014, Disneyland experienced a measles outbreak that was linked back to the alarmingly low vaccination rates among Californian children. Following this outbreak, California passed a law that removed two of the most commonly used vaccination exemptions: personal belief exemptions, and conditional exemptions. Two years later, most children in California attend schools that meet herd immunity standards, and the chances of another outbreak are minimal.

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  • Cuba: Hurricane preparation

    Cuba has one of the world’s lowest storm fatality rates in part because citizens learn how to prepare and respond to hurricanes beginning in elementary school. Children know where to go in an evacuation, neighbors open their homes to those in need, local leaders distribute supplies, and vulnerable people such as those with disabilities are assisted early.

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