Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Why An Ivy League MBA Went Back To Ghana To Help A Pineapple Farm

    Investment in African agriculture has wide-ranging impact because the industry provides 60 percent of employment in the continent. Injaro, founded by an investment banker, is a private equity fund that seeks to invest in African businesses. Injaro’s funds have helped to make Gold Coast Fruits one of Ghana’s largest employers and have helped revive a struggling pineapple farm. The steady investments have improved productivity as Gold Coast Fruits now produces up to 50 tons of pineapple.

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  • As emerging diseases spread from wildlife to humans, can we predict the next big pandemic?

    Zoonotic outbreaks are increasingly a threat to human populations and other species as they spatially converge in the same environments. In preparation, the project PREDICT has discovered over 1000 distinct diseases and helped guide the development of infrastructure to help protect against outbreaks, while the Global Virome Project is identifying and sequencing the DNA of viruses.

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  • Georgia Initiative Brings Business To The Table To Save A Rare Animal

    Gopher tortoises might be labelled as endangered under federal law, which brings strict guidelines that businesses want to avoid. Georgia Gopher Tortoise Initiative is dedicated to finding gophers in their natural habitat and protecting the areas they are found in, as well as other methods to help grow the population.

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  • How whisper networks and female friendships help girls overcome sexual violence in conflict zones

    Around the world, adolescent girls are susceptible to sexual harassment but girls in crisis areas are likely to be forgotten, or the solutions do not reach them. A new training program is designed for such conflict areas. It focuses on the therapeutic importance of female friendships, creates safe spaces, and initiates discussions about gender violence.

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  • How Effective Is Your School District? A New Measure Shows Where Students Learn the Most

    Too often people use standardized test scores as the only measure of how good a school system is. A new measure looks at the growth and proficiency of the students as a measure of performance and may be more accurate in comparing public schools across the USA.

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  • How a sweatshop raid in an LA suburb changed the American garment industry

    In 1995 El Monte, a US sweatshop in California that housed workers without paying them, was raided. “The El Monte raid changed the garment industry.” After the raid, former president Bill Clinton created a sweatshop taskforce. “The El Monte raid was a very important point in the history of labor standards in this country.”

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  • First Nations powering up B.C.

    From solar to geothermal to biomass projects, First Nations are finding ways to confront and combat fossil fuel concerns head on. In fact, over 30 Nations have some type of renewable energy source powering their communities, while 15 more have projects underway. Despite a lack of governmental funding assistance, First Nations are acting as a collective model for how communities can provide their own clean power to their own people.

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  • Denmark's new feminist party declares, 'Out with the racists! In with the feminists!'

    “Out with the racists, in with the feminists!” is the slogan of a new political party in Denmark. The Feministik Initiativ is “a new intersectional feminist party in Denmark.” It won 3,258 votes in the regional election. The party hopes to counter anti-immigrant sentiment, as well as fight for issues like equal pay and zero employment discrimination.

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  • How to fight female genital mutilation with economics

    We rarely think of Female Genital Mutilation, which is the total or partial removal of the external female genitalia, as an economic practice. It’s often thought of in cultural terms. However, that’s exactly what Seleiman Bishagazi did. He realized the practice was popular in his community because poor families made a profit from it. So, he “decided to attack the issue with economics and education.”

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  • The midwives helping women on the US-Mexico border

    Pregnant women at the US-Mexico border are often living in hard conditions and facing obstetric violence at public hospitals or being pushed into c-sections at private clinics. 'Parteras Fronterizas' offers an alternative, it is an organization of two midwives who provide care for pregnant women individually or in groups.

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