Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Women are being failed by medical research—here's how policy can help

    Medical research studies have failed to address the impact of gender, and some studies even exclude females in “later stage clinical trials.” This discrepancy results from women being underrepresented in the medical science. The Office of Research on Women’s Health has piloted a Policy on Sex as a Biological variable to fund research that is addresses gender differences; the National Institute of Health has initiated a Working Group on Women in Biomedical Careers.

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  • To Save Their Water Supply, Colorado Farmers Taxed Themselves

    Colorado is only now recovering from a 16-year long drought that resulted in the aquifer irrigation system becoming increasingly dry. Until the farmers decided to tax themselves for water consumption, realizing that saving water now and taxing themselves would protect their farms and livelihood in the long run.

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  • In Oregon, You Can Now Save for Retirement. Unless You Object.

    More than half of Americans struggle - especially in recent years with considerable economic and political changes to systems like Social Security - to save for retirement, and it costs states millions in public assistance programs. Oregon is piloting a new solution where the government helps private companies facilitate a small, automatic deduction from employees paychecks and sets it aside into savings, which is proving especially helpful for small businesses in helping their workers plan for retirement.

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  • Rohingya Women and Girls Fleeing Rape Find Solace in Safe Spaces

    Hundreds of thousands of women and girls have fled from Northern Myanmar's military ethnic cleansing to Bangladesh, often having suffered rape and gender violence. The United Nations Population Fund center is a place for women to talk about their trauma with counselors and relax with fellow refugees.

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  • Rural schools unite to make college the rule, rather than the exception

    High school students in rural areas show lower rates of college degrees and have fewer opportunities such as not having a dual enrolment program that allows them to take college courses while in high school. Ohio Appalachian Collaborative involves rural schools working together to fight for grants and opportunities for the students in rural areas, and so far the statistics show that more students are going to college and are more engaged in high school.

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  • How one country persuaded teens to give up drink and drugs

    Icelandic teenagers used to be infamous for their heavy smoking, drinking, and drug use. But the country has done a complete 180, thanks to investment in after-school activities, a curfew, and a pledge that all parents sign to keep their kids away from alcohol. One unintended benefit of the program is that youth are now excelling in music and sports.

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  • Americans want fewer prisoners. What's art have to do with it?

    "Songs in the Key of Free" is a program in a Pennsylvania prison brings together inmates to play music and write songs that they perform inside, while professional musicians also play the songs in venues outside prison. The program is just a year old and is based on a successful theater program in California that cut recidivism rates and helped decrease prison infractions. The founders of "Songs in the Key of Free" are creating an album of the work, but after that, future funding is unclear.

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  • How Iceland Saved Its Teenagers

    Iceland used to be one of the worst countries in Europe for underage teenage drinking. The country’s government realized they needed to change that. Each year, students fill out an anonymous survey about their drinking and lifestyle habits that gives the government data to inform programs and interventions. Since 1998, the number of 16 year olds who drank in the last month decreased from 42% to only 5%. The government has helped fund after school sports programs, implemented a curfew, and created a successful model that has now been applied to 30 European countries.

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  • The Truckers Who Are Taking on Human Trafficking

    Truck stops are a hotspot for human trafficking. In Arkansas, where trucking is one of the state’s largest industries, truck drivers are being trained to spot human trafficking. If they see anything suspicious, they can report to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, 911, or local law enforcement.

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  • Free Money: The Surprising Effects of a Basic Income Supplied by Government

    In North Carolina, the Cherokee tribe members receive cash payments every year from the revenue of local casinos. Native American reservations have one of the highest poverty rates in the country, but this payment has shown a positive impact on children's lives. As inequality increases, tech companies are advocating for "universal basic income," using the Cherokee community as a case study. More research needs to take place in order to define what the universal basic income will be, how people will respond to it, and what will be the overall effects.

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