Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • After its dams came down, a river is reborn

    Removing dams pays back dividends by restoring ecological diversity. In Washington State, the decommissioning of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams began a decades-long process of restoring the Elwha River’s floodplain. By studying the river and learning from their failures, researchers are learning the best ways to maintain salmon populations and foster an environment more resilient to climate change.

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  • New Zealand Tries a Different Kind of Private Prison

    The privatized prison system is largely skewed against inmates, as most are funded based on the number of individuals incarcerated, creating a disincentive to invest in the rehabilitation and comprehensive treatment of inmates. But the Wiri prison in Auckland is piloting a new approach that focuses on the greater good: the government pays the prison for positive results based on recidivism rates and improved outcomes for inmates, especially the Maori minority.

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  • Malawian Farmers Adapt in the Face of Climate Change

    Malawian farmers have been hit hard by climate change over the last two farming seasons, and have thus seen a drop in agricultural production. To combat these losses, agriculture experts have begun implementing climate-smart farming practices that allow them to "sustainably increase productivity, enhance resilience (adaptation), reduce greenhouse gas emissions where possible, and help with achievement of national food security and development goals" according to the Food and Agricultural Organization.

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  • How Cities Say No to Military Equipment for Their Police

    Putting more military weapons and other tactical gear in the hands of local law enforcement has little or no effect on crime, but does make police violence more likely. After the Trump administration lifted a loophole-ridden Obama-era policy restricting the distribution of such gear to local agencies, some local lawmakers sought to impose their own restrictions. But police continue to find ways to arm themselves as if for war, making them more likely to overreact to routine problems, with predictably violent outcomes.

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  • While Pa. debates merits of Pre-K, Ontario goes all-in

    Part 4 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario is widely lauded for its education system. But, like Pennsylvania, evidence in Toronto suggests that Ontario has struggled to close achievement gaps between historically underserved minorities and their peers. Many believe universal pre-K will prove to be the decisive factor in bridging that gap.

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  • The rise and fall of Berlin's plan to integrate schools

    Part 2 of 3 in Series "The Social Wall: Universal Lessons in Berlin's Attempt to Integrate Schools" - A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. This "social wall" lies exactly along the lines of the once physical Berlin wall and now divide the haves and have-nots.

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  • Even with progressive education funding, 'fairness' eludes Berlin schools

    Part 1 of 3 - A progressive funding model has been a boon to schools in Berlin’s poorer neighborhoods, which receive a baseline of staff and resources that would make them the envy of many of their counterparts in Pennsylvania. But schools in poorer neighborhoods face a myriad of struggles that additional resources haven’t been able to quell, due to the deep socioeconomic disparities between the home neighborhoods of wealthy and poor students. This "social wall" lies exactly along the lines of the once physical Berlin wall.

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  • Ontario celebrates diversity, but still works to close achievement gaps

    Part 2 of the "Equity or Bust: Are Ontario's Public Schools a Model for Pennsylvania" Series: Ontario has become widely lauded for its education system, celebrated for both high performance and relatively smaller achievement gaps between wealthy and poor students, particularly compared to the system in Pennsylvania. Keys to Ontario's success include celebrating diversity and catering education modules to the varied backgrounds of their students, as well as increased parent-teacher involvement.

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  • Trauma and transitions: How San Diego grapples with educating refugees.

    San Diego County public schools have a large number of refugee students and changes such as lowering noise levels (such as school bells) that triggered post-traumatic stress, reducing class sizes, providing daily teacher consistency, and integrating language and academic instruction has helped them feel more comfortable and fill the gaps in their education. Not all of the interventions have led to academic success, but schools are juggling very limited budgets to address the specific needs of refugee students, including extra English language instruction and counseling services.

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  • An Easy Way to Encourage Businesses to Hire Marginalized Workers?

    A pilot program in Canada is providing increased job opportunities for disadvantaged populations - including refugees, those with disabilities, and laborers who have been unemployed long-term - through a special program that rewards companies hiring them with what is essentially a cash-back rebate on loans covered by the government. The rebate adds up to be significantly less than the cost of paying out unemployment, and has the additional benefits of encouraging workplace diversity and corporate growth.

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