Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Courting The Ones Who Need It

    Developed in 2016, the Eugene Community Court program offers individuals cited for nonviolent, minor crimes an alternative to prison. If a person agrees to participate, they are matched with a case manager who connects them to the resources they need, like substance abuse treatment or job training services. The city hopes to decrease the rate of recidivism by creating tailored programs for each individual and spark a societal shift that has long criminalized poverty.

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  • How Ljubljana turned itself into Europe's ‘green capital'

    Ljubljana was once a highly crowded city but since the election of its mayor, the city has become far more green due to a clear strategic plan and efficient mayoral office. The largest impact change was making the downtown core largely car free, other changes such as reducing waste and creating urban gardens have also had an impact.

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  • Could underwater garages solve Boston's parking shortage?

    Boston needs more parking spaces, especially in a neighborhood surrounded by water. It is looking to build an underwater parking garage, like the ones being built in Amsterdam, in order to free up street level space and add more parking to decrease car pollution from driving around searching for a parking spot.

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  • Home Visits Help New Parents Overcome Tough Histories, Raise Healthy Children

    Home visit programs, where family support workers meet with expecting and new parents, are at risk of not getting funding. Advocates stress the importance of these programs for improving parenting skills, providing a confidant for parents, and helping reach children before they are already struggling.

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  • How Julián Castro Bet on 4-Year-Olds to Transform San Antonio

    One of former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro's enduring and controversial legacies will likely be his Pre-K 4 SA initiative. The program provides hands on and play-based preschool for low-income 4 year olds, an approach often reserved for wealthy toddlers. In an effort to highlight the potential long-term gains of the program, Castro frames the plan as a workforce development program: “The best way to make sure a young person gets ahead is to make sure she never gets behind in the first place." Pre-K 4 SA will be truly tested for the first time in 2018, when its inaugural class completes state exams.

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  • The Afterlife of Big Ideas in Education Reform

    Michael Hobbes details the rise and fall of small learning communities in the early 2000s to tell the story of a larger trend in American education reform. "The decisive factor isn't the Big Idea itself--splitting up dropout factories floor by floor--but the millions of little ideas that hold it together," Hobbes notes. He uses this one trend to discuss common denominators for student success and why schools have repeatedly failed to effectively scale promising solutions: "Every successive Big Idea in education reform has ended up in the same place. It works for one school and doesn't for another."

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  • New York City Guarantees a Lawyer to Every Resident Facing Eviction

    New York City passed the first law in the nation guaranteeing legal representation to any low-income resident facing eviction. Pilot programs in California show that the right to counsel levels the playing field between tenants and landlords in the courtroom and can reduce the number of cases that result in homelessness, a huge cost savings for both tenants and governments.

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  • Here's What Can Be Done to Stop the Mounting Deaths of Right Whales

    Right whales are highly endangered and far too many were killed by ship strikes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. With the help of the International Marine Organization, mitigation measures have been taken, such as to prevent ships from entering areas where whales often inhabit, and the creation of shipping lanes.

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  • Meet the Men Who Invest in Women Entrepreneurs

    Women tend to invest in female-owned and run companies, but men disproportionately invest in male-run companies, which means female companies lose out on a huge market. Some male investors, such as Adam Quinton, see the female-run businesses as a better investment because of the lack of competition and that these firms tend to outperform the male-owned companies, this finding is shifting where people invest.

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  • India's Barefoot Lawyers

    Legal expertise is often expensive and inaccessible to communities around the world experiencing environmental rights violations and other issues. Similar to the rise of community health workers who are expanding access to basic healthcare, nonprofit Namati is training lay people to help communities understand laws and regulations, gather evidence of violations, and push for remedies.

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