Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From Darkness to Light: How Lajolo, Omupo, Communities Thrive on Solar Power

    A solar-powered microgrid project brought electricity to Lajolo, Nigeria, which was previously without power.

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  • Jewish teens, led by Ezra Beinart, are gathering on Zoom to meet prominent Palestinians

    High school junior Ezra Beinart founded an initiative that invites Palestinians to speak with young American Jews via video chat. The goal of the project, which has hosted six speakers so far, is to introduce Jewish teenagers to perspectives on Israel-Palestine that they may not be exposed to within their communities.

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  • Vote like Voters in Minneapolis

    For its mayoral elections, Minneapolis uses ranked-choice voting, a process that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference rather than choosing just one. The system, along with the state's culture of civic engagement and its ease of voting, is believed to have contributed to record-high turnout during the 2021 election, when more than half of registered voters in the city cast a ballot.

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  • Sacramento outperforms other major cities in affordable housing production but misses state quota

    Sacramento, California, is increasing the number of affordable housing units built in the city by implementing deed restrictions that limit prices and require occupancy by low-income residents, providing free permit-ready building plans for accessory dwelling units, and prioritizing quick approvals by the city government.

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  • I-WASH: Improving Access to Water Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Kebbi State

    The I-WASH program aims to combat waterborne diseases and address challenges facing communities without access to clean water. The program has built toilets in schools, provided handwashing facilities, as well as a solar-powered borehole and educational services on sanitation practices and how to maintain the water points. Through the help of the I-WASH program, as of May 2022, 300 functional toilets had been built in households across more than 30 communities.

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  • OJU ELERI: The radio program holding power to account in Osun State

    Urban Alert is a civic-tech organization that aims to hold government officials accountable through broadcasting corruption complaints on the radio and social media, documenting evidence of uncompleted public projects, and filing Freedom of Information Act requests. The organization has reportedly helped resolve more than 300 complaints, including issues related to electrical infrastructure, road construction, and health care systems.

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  • Justice at the Tap

    In response to the water crisis, grassroots organizers and community members are stepping up to provide aid and fill the gaps left by government authorities. Organizations like Flint Rising and DigDeep collect and donate bottled water and send volunteers door-to-door to ensure residents have access to clean drinking water. There is also the Navajo Water Project, which installs home water systems in those without access to running water or sewer lines, providing 1,200 gallons of water to homes in need, as well as jobs for members of the Navajo Nation.

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  • How one northeast Pa. county runs drama-free elections with just 2 people on its election staff

    To make sure its elections run smoothly, the tiny election staff in one Pennsylvania county coordinates helpers from across the county government's departments, who process mail-in ballots while full-time staff oversee in-person voting. The office also invites the public to observe the election process and weigh in on important decisions, such as what type of voting machines are used.

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  • ‘Building an Industry': Medical Cannabis Investors Focus On Lab Testing For Patient Safety

    When the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act passed in 2022 and launched a new medical-marijuana program there was an unmet need for cannabis testing. To fill the gap, testing labs like Steep Hill Mississippi are emerging to ensure the medical marijuana available is safe to use.

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  • Resource-rich countries find it pays to pay landholders to protect their land

    Guatemala’s reforestation programs pay farmers to keep their lands forested instead of clearing them for farming. The annual $380 payment each participant receives for 5 to 10 years comes from the general taxes collected by the government.

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