Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Artificial Intelligence and Decarbonization

    As electric utilities expand to include evolving forms of energy such as varied renewables, the already complex puzzle of storage and distribution (effectively addressing surges and lulls in demand) has grown more difficult. Artificial intelligence in the form of super speed algorithms that can detect usage patterns and allocate the right types of energy at the right times is a straightforward solution that can reduce costs and emissions simultaneously, while encouraging consumer behavior change to maximize efficiency.

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  • When You're in a Carbon Hole, Stop Digging

    The burning of coal for fuel is one of the world's largest contributors to CO2 emissions, and continues to worsen the detrimental effects of planetary warming. But while many feel hopeless in light of an administration that denies climate change and the billion-dollar companies that continue full steam ahead with mining and burning coal, a few clever individuals present a simple and straightforward solution: buy up the coal while it's still in the ground, and pay the government to keep it there.

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  • Let's Enjoy Walking for the Benefits of Better Health -- Smart Wellness Point Project

    Japan is a rapidly aging country. To help combat present and future ramifications it has implemented "Smart Wellness City Comprehensive Special Zones to Achieve Health and Longevity" to encourage and reward healthy living. So far it has resulted in citizens leading more active lives, BMI decreases for those who had a BMI of over 25, and lower medical costs.

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  • Doctors Are Prescribing Park Visits to Boost Patient Health Audio icon

    ParkRx, as one of many new programs spanning several states, allow doctors to give out Park Prescriptions to their patients in order to encourage them to go to parks and get physical activity. These programs are a way to encourage exercise, open patient and doctor dialogues, and reduce the use of medications or procedures.

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  • How Long Beach Coordinated the Fight Against Homelessness

    Unlike the rest of Los Angeles County, the City of Long Beach has managed to decrease its homeless population; coordination of key departments has been crucial to the city's success. "Since 2015, Long Beach has increased housing units for homeless residents and veterans from 1,354 to 2,144," in part because of their use of a Multi-Service Center, which serves as a hub for their coordinated entry approach -- but there are reasons to believe the approach will not be easy to scale to other cities.

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  • The Tiny-House Village That Started a Movement

    The economic growth along the West coast has been huge, but the population increase has also increased housing costs, pushing thousands onto the streets. In response, the non-profit Panza has developed a novel approach to sheltering the homeless. With an affordable land lease from the county, and financial support from the state and local community organizations, Panza has created a "tiny-house village" that has offered space, safety and support for individuals to overcome their financial hardships and find jobs and housing on their own.

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  • Homeless Between the Stacks

    A nonprofit called Breaking Ground has paired up with the Brooklyn Public Library to provide social and administrative services to New York’s homeless population. This unique partnership works collaboratively to build engagement, trust and a housing action plan for homeless people; while the librarians help patrons gather practical housing resources and sift through complex bureaucratic matters, social workers build positive community rapport, and provide more holistic, psychosocial assistance with individual cases.

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  • Smarter Design for Skid Row

    Mitigating homelessness on Los Angeles' infamous "Skid Row" comprises myriad obstacles. But a collaboration between city officials, a USC architecture class project, and the Skid Row Housing Trust has responded with a multi-pronged solution in "pod-style" housing units. They have composed a cost-effective pre-fab design technology that eases their transportation, on-site construction and visual imposition on a neighborhood, while the pods' zoning classification as "congregant housing" minimizes the risk for local opposition to homeless support services on claims of structural or aesthetic noncompliance.

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  • Rethinking Homeless Shelters From the Ground Up

    The homeless population in NYC stands at the highest number since the Great Depression. The Bowery Residents Committee has suggested changes to how shelters emerge, run and are funded. With a focus on results-based funding, the BRC advocates for the prioritization of impact on the people served. It rewards locations that demonstrate a high ratio of people moving in to those returning; "building to the function" of helping people re-enter society; and eliminating private landlords.

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  • How Vienna Conquered Its Own Filth

    With the staggering amounts of garbage produced by modern lifestyles, waste disposal is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge for communities around the world. Vienna has tackled the trouble of trash with an innovative system, channeling the heat from incineration to warm homes and provide hot water, recovering reusable items from the waste stream and selling them in a special shop, and proactively educating the populace about how to reduce waste.

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