Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Can Churches Help Supply the Foster Homes L.A. County Needs?

    Los Angeles County has lost half of its foster homes and is projected to sink further into a deficit over the coming years, which is a concerning for the future of foster children. Recently, faith communities have become more involved in this problem including having events at churches to allow potential foster families to learn about fostering and apply quickly.

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  • Keeping it cool: Malaysia looks to district energy systems.

    A collaborative effort among the United Nations' District Energy in Cities Initiative, the Malaysian government, and private partners has facilitated planning in Malaysia's rapidly developing southern state of Johor for a "District Energy System": a single heating and cooling network which decreases energy consumption by converting waste heat from large power stations. Because of this intervention, Iskandar is projected to decrease its energy use by almost 40% -- all while saving money on energy costs, recycling heat energy, and contributing to the nation's goals under the international Paris Accord.

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  • As Palestinian #DignityStrike Passes One-Month Mark, New York Artists Illuminate the Struggle

    As a hunger strike was taking place among political prisoners in Palestine, the New York City-based project Visibility Sustains the Struggle created art in solidarity with strikers and raised awareness around the issues informing the strike.

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  • Nearby Hudson may have found internet desert solution

    Hudson was an internet desert, with slow and unreliable internet services and companies refusing to provide better internet since it wouldn't be very profitable. Thus, the city created its own internet company-Velocity Broadband, which already has more business customers than expected, has been receiving positive feedback- including residents wanting to access the service, and has sparked businesses to move to the area.

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  • Printing A Solution to the World's Biggest Problems

    A research fellow at Deakin University’s School of Engineering in Australia has developed a world-first technology 3D printer prototype capable of printing plumbing and sanitation supplies using discarded plastics - and what's more, it runs on solar power. They are partnering with NGO Plan International to implement this technology in the Solomon Islands, where locals will learn to print the parts they need, thereby solving the dual problems of plastic rubbish and a lack of access to vital mechanical parts for clean water supply. The model gives these communities tools to solve their own problems.

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  • How A Man With No Coding Experience Built An App That's Bringing Solar Power To Yemen

    The civil war in Yemen caused the electrical grid to fail and left many in the country without reliable access to electricity. As Yemenis tried to implement solar power, many were finding the process difficult with nowhere to turn for answers. Anwar Al-Haddad couldn't find a solution for this growing problem, so he invented an app, despite a lack of coding knowledge, by using another app that had been invented in the Silicon Valley.

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  • When Chicago cops moonlight, no one is watching

    There is much to be learned from The Chicago Police Department's failure to regulate moonlighting police officers. Boasting the nation's weakest oversight of documenting its officer's second-shift jobs, the department has seen repercussions both in shooting statistics and tax payer dollars. It's not what Chicago is doing that is a solution, but what others are doing that they should learn from.

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  • In Quebec, one who turned away from extremism helps others find the path

    The Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence in Quebec has expanded rapidly, becoming a model for programs around the world. What sets it apart from projects in Europe and the United States is that it confronts extremism of all stripes — not just Islamist — and focuses on behavior that signals the risk of violence, not just radical ideas, only involving law enforcement as a last resort.

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  • STARS Program Helps Drug Court, Families Align

    Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services arose from the need to improve the outcomes of drug addicted parents and their children, such as increasing reunification statistics. STARS employs case workers who have previously been drug addicted, and can provide immediate support and services such as meeting with the participant, accessing treatment options, and drug screening.

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  • How is Sweden tackling its integration challenge?

    Sweden has, and continues, to receive a lot of asylum seekers, leading to the need for successful integration of these new immigrants. Certain programs have been developed, such as one that when completed asylum seekers will be able to gain employment faster, or others that help young immigrants understand their new culture.

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