Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • When Chicago cops moonlight, no one is watching

    There is much to be learned from The Chicago Police Department's failure to regulate moonlighting police officers. Boasting the nation's weakest oversight of documenting its officer's second-shift jobs, the department has seen repercussions both in shooting statistics and tax payer dollars. It's not what Chicago is doing that is a solution, but what others are doing that they should learn from.

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  • In Quebec, one who turned away from extremism helps others find the path

    The Centre for the Prevention of Radicalization Leading to Violence in Quebec has expanded rapidly, becoming a model for programs around the world. What sets it apart from projects in Europe and the United States is that it confronts extremism of all stripes — not just Islamist — and focuses on behavior that signals the risk of violence, not just radical ideas, only involving law enforcement as a last resort.

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  • STARS Program Helps Drug Court, Families Align

    Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services arose from the need to improve the outcomes of drug addicted parents and their children, such as increasing reunification statistics. STARS employs case workers who have previously been drug addicted, and can provide immediate support and services such as meeting with the participant, accessing treatment options, and drug screening.

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  • How is Sweden tackling its integration challenge?

    Sweden has, and continues, to receive a lot of asylum seekers, leading to the need for successful integration of these new immigrants. Certain programs have been developed, such as one that when completed asylum seekers will be able to gain employment faster, or others that help young immigrants understand their new culture.

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  • Sometimes the Birds and the Bees Get Short Shrift in School

    Due to school education pressures and time constraints, sex education is often limited or left out. Some schools have started using the 'Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program' which combines sex education, mental & physical health care, career training etc. and has shown success in decreasing teenage pregnancy and poor sexual health practices.

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  • To Reduce Shootings, Hospitals Vow to Treat the Wounds Doctors Can't Fix

    Gunshot victims are often treated at hospitals only to be sent back into the community, where 1/3 will end up back in the hospital again. With a new emphasis on prevention and addressing the underlying issues, Ohio is now using federal assistance to create a Trauma Recovery Network that helps with crisis intervention, counseling, and even providing safe emergency housing for gunshot victims.

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  • The Republicans who care about climate change: 'They are done with the denial'

    The Climate Solutions Caucus is made up of half Democrats and half Republicans, by design. Drawing strength from a growing wave of Republican support for climate action, the bipartisan congressional group is an attempt to depoliticize environmental policymaking in the United States.

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  • Is This Tiny European Nation a Preview of Our Tech Future?

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the small outpost of Estonia has reinvented itself as the world’s digital pioneer. Everything from paying taxes to establishing companies is done online and takes minutes. Lawmakers even sign legislation using digital signatures, not fountain pens.

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  • The Unsung Government Program That Gives Federal Property to the Homeless

    Thirty years ago, the U.S. Congress created a process called Title V that requires excess federal land be offered to state and city governments and nonprofits for homeless services. Hampered by challenging obstacles throughout the process, only about 900 acres across the country have been converted to shelters and other facilities. Now streamlined and improved, Title V is poised to make a much greater impact.

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  • In Cleveland, co-op model finds hope in employers rooted in the city

    To combat the rapid decline in Cleveland's economy after the manufacturing collapse co-ops have stepped in. Co-ops help residents of poor neighborhoods find jobs, build stability and buy houses. They benefit other organizations by helping them to invest in the community.

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