Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A dilemma for renters in Nashville

    Nashville is trying out creative ways to help residents deal with rising rent. While state policies do not always favor rent control and mixed-income housing units are still years away, several solutions are being implemented right now. Neighborhoods are creating tenant unions and community benefit agreements to ensure that tenants stay up-to-date about housing information. The mayor’s office is also providing financial support to first-time homebuyers.

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  • The future will be battery-powered

    There is an ongoing competition to improve batteries as a method of energy storage that is environmentally conscious. Intense research on batteries is ongoing, including the development of the "saltwater battery', in order to improve their reliability, storage abilities and safety.

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  • Essen's award-winning blueprint for greening the postindustrial city

    Essen has a very industrial past but due to private and public efforts it has become Europe's 2017 "green capital". The city has converted industrial buildings into places for art, wastewater is being diverted from the river, bike mobility has been increased, and trees have been planted.

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  • Farming a warmer planet

    Morocco is one of countless regions around the planet facing the challenges of climate change - as rivers dry up and temperatures increase, the livelihoods of millions stand at risk. But the country may serve as an example for how others can mitigate the damages. The government, entrepreneurial individuals, and local communities are making important changes in the face of global warming, from working to reforest arid regions to adapting which crops are planted so as to use less water and maintain "climate-smart" agricultural productivity.

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  • The Sun Water Solution

    Professor Kevin McGuigan in Dublin has proven that simply leaving contaminated water in a plastic bottle out in the sun for several hours is effective in killing off harmful bacteria like e-coli and provide a simple solution for clean water. But his efforts to bring this simple method of solar disinfection to rural communities in Africa - where disease and death from waterborne bacteria is especially prevalent - have hit a number of sociological and cultural roadblocks.

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  • Reclaiming native ground: Can Louisiana's tribes restore their traditional diets as waters rise?

    Tribal areas in Louisiana are suffering from massive land loss due to flooding, which has taken away a lot of food sources and livelihood. In response, the First People's Conservation Council has been created, which includes tribe members, government representatives and nonprofit representatives in order to develop solutions.

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  • New York City Embraces a Gun Violence Outreach Program Left on Life Support in Chicago

    In its four years of community outreach, Cure Violence’s New York City chapter has been accepted and welcomed by both neighborhoods and police. The program now works in 17 police precincts, providing direct violence intervention, legal and mental health resources, and improving police/community relations.

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  • She Outsmarted Jamie Oliver — And Figured Out The Future Of School Lunch

    Conflicts of interest have made school lunch meals the dumping ground for the cheap calories our modern agricultural system was designed to overproduce. Many programs are trying to improve school lunches, such as the Community Eligibility Provision which allows schools in high poverty areas to provide free meals to all students, allowing more money to be spent on cooks and food instead of who qualifies.

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  • How to Make Public Transportation Safer for Women

    From gender-segregated buses in Tokyo and Rio de Janeiro, to more lighting and staff on Washington, D.C.’s metro system, cities around the world are taking steps to make public transportation safer for women. Some of these methods are contested – especially ones that place the responsibility on women or don’t take into account transgender and genderqueer individuals. Yet, there is a growing body of research suggesting that responding to this problem requires two key elements: a larger, cultural shift regarding harassment and listening to women when they describe what they need.

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  • Can the Graduation Approach Help to End Extreme Poverty?

    BRAC, the largest NGO in the world and one of the leaders in microfinance as an approach to combating poverty, discovered that despite its successes, microcredit did not always reach what are called the Ultra-Poor in effective, sustainable ways. So they formed partnerships and launched a new, comprehensive initiative that involves consumption support, technical and financial literacy training, and asset management to create a pathway to prosperity called the "graduation approach."

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