Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The campaign behind the release of the "Mandela of Latin America"

    Oscar López Rivera was a political prisoner for 35 years, 12 of which were in solitary confinement, for his political activism wanting Puerto Rico to be independent of the USA.An international campaign successfully lobbied Obama to commute the sentence, a campaign which included the support of Desmond Tutu, Oscar's brother- Jose, the Puerto Rican community etc.

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  • School funding reform: Ideas and challenges aplenty

    Schools in Connecticut are facing serious challenges with allocation of finances and resources that have dramatically affected their ability to provide programs such as after school curriculum to students, disproportionately in poor neighborhoods. There are several potential solutions, including more just distribution of funding and increased transparency in the system.

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  • On Patrol With Chicago's Last Violence Interrupters

    Chicago’s Cure Violence program, which has been around for close to 20 years, has closed all but one of its sites. The program employs Violence Interrupters, who work in neighborhoods to help stop violent conflict. As hopeful and successful as its creation was, it has run into cooperative issues with Chicago police and has seen a drastic cut in funding in the last five years.

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  • America Beyond Detention: Taking Shelter

    Three Part Series, "America Beyond Detention": For decades, immigrant advocates have argued that the federal government should increase the use of residential shelters - like Casa Marianella in Austin - as an alternative to detention. The shelters are generally less expensive, treat immigrants more humanely, and are better equipped to integrate people into their new communities.

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  • The costs of growth and change in Nashville

    Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is developing a comprehensive strategy for affordable housing to help address the challenges of rising property prices and gentrification for the city's poor and minorities. The city is helping influence more inclusive growth patterns through financial incentives like the Barnes Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

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  • USPS Could Tackle Food Insecurity

    While the USPS has seen a drastic decline in revenues and capacity in recent years due to growing competition from the private sector and social changes, First Class Meal is reimagining the role that this institution has to play: improving national access to healthy food. Using the existing USPS app to connect organizations and food banks that struggle to distribute donations, postal drivers out on their normal routes would pick up donations, deliver to food banks or pantries, and store food in post offices with excess capacity.

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  • Australia: Has it Cracked the Solution to Curb Smoking?

    Tough laws, taxes, and a public information campaign helped cut Australia’s adult smoking rate in half. The country leads the world in these efforts, including being the first to require plain tobacco packaging in 2012. However, some smokers protest, saying that the government is interfering with their individual rights.

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  • In Kansas City, a lesson in transforming closed schools

    When public schools close, what can communities do with the buildings? Kansas City hired an urban planner to help repurpose school buildings to better engage the community and enabled non-profits a chance to purchase the old properties. This school reuse excelled from increasing the transparency of the decision-making process and “creative financing.”

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  • Making cities safer with public transport

    There is a misconception that making cities safer for women requires more security cameras. Now, the method of improving public transport systems and lighting up public streets is being implemented and its allowing women to feel safer and enjoy greater mobility.

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  • How Mormon Principles and Grassroots Ideals Saved Utah

    In Salt Lake City, a bipartisan coalition of public and private actors, including members of the business, industrial, religious, political, and civic communities voluntarily came together to pass an ambitious twenty year land use plan. The plan, which conserves water, promotes clean air, and imposes new taxes for new rail lines, was made possible by Envision Utah, a public-private partnership that capitalizes on many Utahns' cultural and religious heritage.

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