Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Nature Might Hold the Secret to Healing Police-Community Relations

    After charged discussions and protests around racial injustice within police departments, Baltimore set out to find a solution to bridge the divide created between the city's police force and the kids that lived in stereotyped neighborhoods. Using nature as a common ground, the Outward Bound Police Youth Challenge was born to bring the two sides together and teach them that they have more in common than they may think.

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  • An earthquake worse than the ‘Big One'? Shattered New Zealand city shows danger of Seattle's fault

    Seattle doesn’t need to experience a major earthquake to predict and prepare for its effects. The comparable city of Christchurch, New Zealand, was hit with a big one in 2011. Buildings collapsed. 185 people died. A key factor in the devastation? Unreinforced brick, something that Seattle lawmakers haven’t successfully addressed either.

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  • Lessons from Christchurch: 4 key ways Seattle can prepare for earthquake devastation

    A magnitude 6.3 earthquake that struck Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2011 laid waste to much of the city and killed 185 people. Although on the opposite side of the world, Seattle is home to strikingly similar buildings and structures that have been identified as at-risk to the shallow faults under them. There is opportunity for the Washington city to learn from the disaster in New Zealand - before it's too late.

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  • Automatic Voter Registration a ‘Success' in Oregon

    Low voter turnout has affected the results of numerous elections across the country. Oregon gave its residents the choice to opt in instead of out when receiving government services, in the hopes of increasing voter turnout.

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  • World's first city to power its water needs with sewage energy

    With climate change an ever-increasing threat, one city in Denmark is helping to inspire hope through the successful implementation of a self-sustaining treatment plant that provides fresh water to the local community using only energy produced from the waste and sewage it filters. Other cities are now looking to replicate the model.

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  • Belgium and the Netherlands Swap Land, and Remain Friends

    Territorial conflicts in neighboring countries can spur bloody battles.The discovery of a headless corpse in the Netherlands helped Belgium and its bigger Dutch neighbor resolve a property squabble that began in 1961, showing that land disputes can be settled peacefully.

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  • How other communities are addressing food insecurity

    New Jersey looks for those solutions being implemented successfully in other regions around the country to fight hunger in food deserts and poor neighborhoods, assessing what can be replicated in their local communities to address these issues.

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  • Planting roof roses to attract Edinburgh's rare butterfly

    Edinburgh has begun a conservation project where roof space is transformed into a habitat for butterflies. The success of the project is being closely monitored with hopes of helping butterflies survive in the area, and attract new butterfly species to the area.

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  • Kenya embraces solar to meet energy needs

    In order to meet the needs of the country, Kenya is slowly moving away from costly and environmentally damaging energy sources to solar powered energy. Farmers and medical clinics alike are seeing the benefit both from a financial and practical standpoint, as they embrace solar installations that help them do business even better.

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  • The Students, Families Who Can't Afford Internet in the Bronx

    In an era when success in school and the workplace is so heavily reliant on internet access, almost 20 percent of New York City households still lack internet access at home. Fortunately, the New York City Housing Authority is taking steps to address the issue by providing solutions such as installing free hotspots, distributing complimentary Wi-Fi equipment, and even parking digital vans outside of public housing complexes so that residents can easily and freely access computers, printers, and the Internet.

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