Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Inside Black Guns Matter, Philly's Second Amendment answer to police brutality

    In Philadelphia, Black Guns Matter encourages Black Americans to practice the second amendment right to own a gun, while at the simultaneously discouraging altercations with the police. This group provides resources to inform Black Americans how to protect themselves from the police or other individuals should they need to. They also mitigate tragic outcomes by preparing Black Americans for confrontations with cops.

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  • Beyond Detention: Exploring Smarter, Cheaper Alternatives to Locking Kids Up

    Alternative programming that involves "restorative justice" models - such as having youth within the criminal justice system create art as a means of self expression instead of detaining them in a prison-like facility - are much more effective at preventing antisocial and criminal behavior in youth than involvement in the juvenile-justice system.

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  • How the Most Dangerous Place on Earth Got Safer

    The gang-driven violence in Honduras has caused thousands to migrate to the United States. In the last three years, with emergency international aid from the United States, Honduras has experienced a 62 percent drop in homicides and has witnessed a decrease in the number of migrants entering the United States. The aid has gone toward community improvement projects and outreach centers, such as providing items for soccer games and other activities that dissuade gangsters from fighting each other. It also has supported more effective prosecution of homicides.

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  • Tapping a Troubled Neighborhood's Inner Strength

    HIghlands area in Southern Washington has been an impoverished and unsafe neighbourhood, however, circumstances have been improve as neighbours have begun to get to know eachother and form a community. HIghlands neighbourhood association and the Family Policy council are two initiatives that have strengthened community ties, lead to leadership opportunities, facilitated citizen-police interactions, and helped children not fall into a poverty cycle.

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  • The City That Unpoisoned Its Pipes

    The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has left the city in dire straits without funds or political will to replace its lead pipes. Less than fifty-miles away, the city of Lansing has managed to replace almost all of its pipes, even during the Great Recession. Between Flint and Lansing, divergent approaches to management of utilities, funds, and citizen health provide extraordinary lessons about what worked and what caused the failures.

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  • Among Both Visitors and Staff, National Park Service Looks to Grow Diversity

    As the National Park Service celebrates its 100th Anniversary, employees and rangers are turning their attention towards maximizing diversity and increasing a culture of inclusiveness amongst park visitors and employees. From taking a concrete political stance to recruiting a diverse group of celebrity park ambassadors, the national parks hope to bridge the gaps between what America looks like and the story our parks tell of our history.

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  • The surprisingly simple economic case for giving refugees cash, not stuff

    In the Middle East, refugee camps are expensive to run-- particularly because shipping food aid is expensive, and the refugees feel victimized in an environment where they have no agency or purchasing power. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has moved refugees in Jordan out of camps and has given cash instead of in-kind aid, and new possibilities emerge with mobile money by the aid of new technology. The results have shown that refugees feel more empowered and the costs associated with their aid are reduced.

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  • Climate scientists trained to be on hot seat

    Testimony from scientists can be crucial for lawmakers, judges, and juries in making critical decisions that impact their communities. The Expert Witness Training Academy program at Mitchell Hamline School of Law pairs scientists with lawyers to improve their communication techniques - from tone of voice to using more colloquial diction - so that these experts can better inform the public on complex topics like climate change.

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  • The Rent Is Now Somewhat Less High in Paris

    France’s cities, including Paris, are among the world’s most expensive to live in. In 2015, France passed rent control laws that restrict outlandish rent increases through the Rent Observatory that oversees the different zones and contracts, as well as a website that tells residents if their prospective landlords are charging too much. One year later, the regulations have been effective at controlling the rent by 30% in Paris.

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  • Two unsexy solutions to help Larimer County's homeless

    Two Northern Colorado counties and Fort Collins, especially, face high levels of homelessness. It's not because there are no organizations dedicated to the issue. Rather, a lack of coordination among the veterans' service groups, state and federal welfare departments, and homelessness prevention groups has stymied effective solutions to decreasing homelessness. Now, state-supported Homeward 2020 has implemented a data management system and housing placement accountability program among the service providers. The low-cost model is showing success, and will be rolled out to other regions across the state.

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