Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Germany sets a new solar storage record

    Solar power is an important renewable energy in Germany, but when the sun is out, it can overpower the grid. Likewise, when the sun is not out, the reception of solar power decreases. Germany has piloted battery installations that store solar energy for use when the sunlight is not plentiful and has successfully incentivized citizens to use them to lower costs.

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  • How 3D printing can save lives

    Due to the inaccessibility of inactive munitions to provide hands-on de-activation experience to security experts, training individuals is difficult. Inactive munitions cannot be shipped to other countries, thus other methods have been explored. A military disposal technician, Allen Tan, created a 3D printing technology that can now create replicas of multiple bomb models. Plans can now be transmitted online and printed in 3D anywhere in the world for study.

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  • Large-Scale Rainwater Harvesting Eases Scarcity in Kenya

    Harvesting rainwater is a necessary practice throughout Kenya, but is especially important in the areas of the country that are arid or semiarid. The African Water Bank has made this process more accessibly to many in these areas by creating a less expensive and more efficient water conservation system.

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  • Ogaden, Wicihitowin working with other grassroots groups on economic development, public safety

    Racism, poverty, gang violence and drugs — to tackle these issues among others the Indigenous and Somali communities are teaming up. Their goal? To make downtown Edmonton safer.

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  • America Can Fix Its Student Loan Crisis. Just Ask Australia.

    Around the world, students borrow money to pay for college, but, in the United States, students are more likely to fall behind on loans. Australia may offer some lessons: borrowers in Australia only start paying back their loans once their earnings reach $40,000, and beyond that they pay four percent of their income until the loans are repaid. The system does not penalize borrowers when they face economic hardship.

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  • How Vermont changed the national GMO-labeling debate

    Vermont's passage of a law requiring food that is genetically modified to be labeled spurred action at the national level to create one standard, rather than a patchwork of state laws, that offers food companies several ways to label foods with GMOs. The national bill did eventually pass, but as this piece illustrates, no one seems very happy about it. Environmentalists feel it leaves large loopholes and while the food industry likes one standard, it does not like the stigma the GMO label confers.

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  • Giving Girls a Second Chance at Education

    A special accelerated education program named Udaan in India offers a chance for girls aged 11-14 from rural areas to quickly complete their primary schooling. The highly interactive and engaging curriculum teaches girls language, math, environmental science, and gender politics. In 2016 the program joined President Obama's "Let Girls Learn" initiative to expand across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malawi, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan and Somalia to reach 3 million girls.

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  • Ugly Is the New Look for Cigarette Packs

    During the twentieth century, imagery on cigarette packs communicated that smoking was cool and young, and it encouraged young people, as well as adults, to smoke. In 2012, Australia started “unbranding the pack,” which standardized cigarettes without a brand and showed the physically gruesome effects of smoking with health factoids on the packaging. Since then, the World Health Organization has recommended this new kind of packaging and the idea has spread to other countries to scale the success.

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  • Can You Make Bankers Behave Better?

    What if you could figure out a way to nudge bankers into making decisions with more integrity, in order to avoid future financial woes? Can a sense of safety and ethics be forced into company culture? The Inquiry takes a look inside Goldman Sachs and meets with a regulator who is deploying psychologists in banks.

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  • A Future in Code: Building Life Skills in Syria

    Refugees from Syria are finding opportunities to build their own start-ups through the United Nations Population Fund program, which works with local non-governmental organizations to support participants with workshops and mentoring. One of the supported businesses is an app called Remmaz, which works to help Syrian refugees learn skills like coding and ultimately hope to create an accessible, online Arabic MOOC (massive open online course).

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