Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What It Takes To Shelter Washington State's Housing Insecure Youth

    School districts in Washington State are required to identify students experiencing homelessness and enroll them into a state program in which the district pays for the students' transportation and covers the cost of other necessities with allotted federal funds.

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  • In these NH communities, you pay for how much trash you send to the landfill

    Communities across New Hampshire are implementing “pay as you throw” trash-collection systems to reduce the garbage sent to landfills and increase the use of alternative options like recycling. The programs use several different methods like special bags, stickers, or punch cards, but all require some form of payment per collected trash bag.

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  • Dėmesys vaikui prasideda nuo dėmesio būsimai mamai – kaip Suomija tapo vaikų gerovės šalimi

    Suomijoje esantys vaikų namai, į kuriuos vaikai patenka dėl probleminio tėvų ar savo pačių elgesio, užtikrina saugią ir sveiką aplinką, o šeimai teikiamos kompleksinės paslaugos ženkliai padidina galimybę vaikui ilgainiui ir vėl grįžti gyventi su tėvais. Tai šalyje pavyko pasiekus, jog socialinio darbuotojo profesija būtų gerai atlyginama ir prestižinė, reikalaujanti specialaus išsilavinimo ir sertifikavimo, o didelės vaikų institucijos buvo paverstos jaukiais namais, kur vienu metu gyvena ne daugiau kaip 7 vaikai.

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  • How One City Ended Prison Gerrymandering

    To end prison gerrymandering, the city council in Wilmington, Delaware, counted people who are incarcerated in the local prison at their last address in the city for the 2020 Census. People who are incarcerated there but did not live in Wilmington were not counted.

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  • How Tokyo's Farms Have Survived for Centuries

    To protect local farms, Tokyo’s Law on Productive Green Areas allows farmers to register their inner-city urban farms as Productive Green Areas and receive a property tax break. In return, landowners agree not to sell or develop the land. The law allowed 1,240 small farms to survive and was recently extended for another 10 years.

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  • How Norway Can Help Cure America's "Range Anxiety"

    Norway’s electric vehicle adaptation has grown to outpace the sale of fossil-fuel cars. The country’s government accomplished this by investing millions of euros in distributing charging ports, incentivizing electric vehicle purchases, disincentivizing purchases of fossil-fuel cars, and requiring locations like parking garages have electric infrastructure available.

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  • Banks For The People

    Public banks are owned and run by governments, and because they store money for the state instead of individuals, they can invest back into the communities they serve instead of extracting from them in the chase for profits.

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  • The search for immigrant seniors eligible for Medi-Cal

    Medi-Cal is a Medicaid program for low-income residents regardless of their immigration status. As of October 2022, more than 300,000 older immigrant adults without legal residency enrolled in Medi-Cal, which was more than the state’s original projection. To continue expanding Medi-Cal’s reach, community health workers and educators are visiting senior centers, churches, markets and community events to encounter people who may not be aware of their eligibility in the program.

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  • Undocumented students win a fight for educational equality in Arizona

    DACA recipients and advocates in Arizona spent months knocking on doors and speaking with Latino voters to push for the passage of Proposition 308, a measure allowing undocumented students to qualify for in-state college tuition. Their campaign, as well as their outreach with Republican lawmakers, helped get the proposal signed into law in 2022.

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  • Democracy vouchers are back, but do they neutralize big money in local politics?

    Seattle's democracy voucher program, which gives residents $25 vouchers to donate to local candidates of their choice, has resulted in a more diverse donor pool and a big jump in the number of candidates running for local office. But the city has also seen an increase in "outside" spending from groups working on behalf of candidates since the program was implemented.

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