Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Media woman behind first accountability reporting initiative in Nigeria

    The Udeme project trains student journalists to track government constituency projects and write investigative reports holding officials accountable when planned projects are stalled or poorly executed. The participants, called U-monitors, also meet with local community members to inform them about the budget process and help them track constituency projects themselves.

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  • Peru is tackling water scarcity with nature-based solutions, leading the way in Latin America

    Cities in Peru are adopting a nature-based solution project in which they charge residents one Peruvian sol with their water bill each month to fund local watershed and rainforest conservation.

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  • Once a Luxury Amenity, Smart Glass Emerges as an Energy Saver

    Dynamic glass uses an electrical charge to darken the tint of windows when exposed to sunlight. The technology can save on energy use for air conditioning while still allowing natural light into the room.

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  • Election security a success, but more improvements needed, experts say

    To bolster the security of the 2022 midterm election, officials released frequent alerts and updates about disinformation, cyber threats, and potential physical threats to election workers. A special task force investigated threats against election officials and brought forward four federal cases and several state prosecutions related to the incidents.

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  • What if gun owners had to pass a test? Czech Republic offers an answer.

    In the Czech Republic, people pursuing gun ownership must pass a health clearance, a background check, and a 40-minute, 30-question exam. If they get that far, potential gun owners must then prove they can handle and shoot a weapon safely and accurately. As a result, the country hasn’t had a mass shooting since 2019 and had seven gun-related homicides last year.

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  • To Boost Turnout, Some Cities Just Synced Up Their Local Elections With National Cycles

    To boost turnout in local elections that often see low participation, cities such as Berkeley, Calif. and Ann Arbor, Mich. have shifted their election cycles to match up with higher-profile presidential contests. Researchers found that moving municipal elections to sync up with presidential elections boosts turnout by an average of 29 percent, and at least 11 communities approved similar measures this year to make the switch to even-year elections.

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  • What should I do about PFAS in my water?

    Filtration systems can be installed in homes to remove PFAS from the water. Homeowners with contaminated water can use filtration methods like granular activated carbon, ion exchange resins, and reverse osmosis to essentially catch the particles while the water goes by.

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  • Nasarawa counts gains of BHCPF two years after launch  

    The Basic Health Care Provision Fund establishes government health facilities that allow people to access care for free. WHen the fund started in 2021, it had 16,000 enrollees and as of October 2022 there were 38,600 enrollees in the state.

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  • How using ‘oasis' models can fight drought and urban heat effect

    Replacing nonfunctional grass lawns that require excessive amounts of water with a mix of desert plants and a few plants that need more water can help save water and keep cities like Las Vegas cool.

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  • Blue bonds: A market solution to the climate crisis?

    Through "debt swaps" and blue bonds, The Nature Conservancy helps governments trade high-interest debt for new debt with lower payments to free up funds for environmental action projects. A recent debt swap in Barbados resulted in $50 million in savings for the country, which is now being put toward protecting its oceans.

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