Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As war drags on, Ukraine's postal service perseveres

    The Ukrainian postal service has found an alternative to traditional mail delivery which has been disrupted due to war. The use of the railway system to deliver mail allows the agency to deal with issues such as impassable roads and soaring fuel prices. With banks closed, residents across the country rely on mail delivery to receive financial assistance in order to buy basic necessities such as food and medicine.

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  • Could a vacancy tax help housing affordability in Sacramento?

    After Oakland instituted a vacant property tax for residential units and parcels, the city collected roughly $8 million in tax revenue in 2020 to support homeless services, blight remediation, and stemming illegal dumping. The number of vacant properties in Oakland also decreased.

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  • Los Angeles Is Creating a Model for Fighting Mass Incarceration

    JusticeLA, a coalition of community organizations, unions, and activists, performed its own in-depth data analysis and research to help develop a set of recommendations to prioritize treatment and assistance over jail time in Los Angeles County. After the county adopted the recommendations, the grassroots effort successfully campaigned to allocate discretionary funds toward implementing them, providing a sustained budget for the "Care First, Jails Last" agenda.

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  • Punjabi Lehar: Pakistan YouTuber reunites families split by partition

    Punjabi Lehar is a YouTube channel that seeks to heal the personal wounds of the Indian and Pakistan Partition, which caused families to be forcibly split up and unable to reunite for over 75 years. The channel has over 600,000 subscribers and the videos feature people searching for loved ones or help finding images of their ancestral houses. The videos have helped many people reunite, either virtually or in person, with loved ones.

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  • Communities getting 'smart' on climate change

    New York’s Climate Smart Communities program helps municipalities work to reduce local emissions by awarding them “points” for completing climate-conscious actions such as installing charging stations for electric vehicles or designating space for solar infrastructure. Each participating community forms a local task force to oversee its environmental efforts, and many receive technical assistance and support to help them apply for grants and coordinate documentation.

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  • We tried Singapore's sewage beer. What can we learn from their water recycling story?

    Singapore uses wastewater recycling to generate what it calls NEWater to address the country’s water shortage. The government funded program involves processing waste water to filter out debris, bacteria, and viruses and using reverse osmosis to create water that is safe for drinking. NEWater currently meets 40% of the country’s water needs, mostly for industrial purposes, but a small portion is used for drinking, including a partnership with a local brewery that created NEWBrew, a beer made from recycled drinking water.

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  • Weber Basin study: Secondary water meters drive down consumption

    Water meters at homes that get their supply from the Weber Basin Water Conservancy are used to help reduce water consumption by informing residents how much water they are using.

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  • WA's Nooksack River has been sounding the alarm, and people are finally listening

    After being hit by two natural disasters in one year, cities, Indigenous tribes, and government agencies in Whatcom County on the Nooksack River are working together to create a new plan to deal with flood risk and salmon restoration. The Floodplain Integrated Planning team is overcoming distrust among its partners to build a more holistic plan that incorporates tested solutions like fish-friendly floodgates, levee repairs, and property buyouts to remove homes that will continue to be flooded in the future.

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  • No child support, no hunting: Payments up under Utah policy

    A new Utah law prevents residents who are more than $2,500 behind on child support payments from obtaining a hunting or fishing license, a strategy lawmakers say provides an incentive without legal ramifications that would affect parents' ability to care for their children in the future. Though the law only applies to a small portion of parents who owe child support, the state saw 494 individuals come into compliance after their hunting and fishing licenses were blocked, with payments increasing by nearly $2 million the year after the new law went into effect.

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  • 'Ventilation Corridors' Funnel Cool Mountain Air Into Steamy Stuttgart

    Stuttgart is using a “nature-based response” to climate change by leveraging earth-cooling tools already available in the natural world. The city has created a vast network of ventilation channels – green parkways and corridors of water and trees – designed to funnel cooler breezes into the city at night and naturally lower air temperatures.

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