Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Hounslow £20 vouchers bring new customers to Chiswick shops

    The Hounslow council sent £20 vouchers to every household to help the local economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Households had about two months to spend the voucher, which could purchase products or services at a range of businesses from cafes and cinemas to retailers and laundromats. Retailers can use an app to scan the vouchers and eventually redeem them for payments.

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  • Is Abiyamo Scheme To The Rescue For Ondo Women After Abiye's Exit?

    The Abiyamo Maternal and Child Health Insurance Scheme provides free maternal and early childhood care, including hospital deliveries, to improve maternal and childhood survival rates. The government made a budgetary provision to guarantee annual funds, ensuring the program will last beyond the current administration. Traditional birth attendants are paid for every woman they refer to a hospital and hospitals are paid via a lump sum or fee-for-service model. Media campaigns and engagement with local stakeholders have helped increase hospital deliveries and while giving women free high-quality care.

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  • Building a just energy business future in Detroit

    WeSolar makes solar power accessible to low-income residents by building and investing in community-solar farms and signing residents up for credits from investor-owned utilities. The startup, the first community solar business led by a Black woman, saves customers as much as $250 on their utility bills by signing up for community solar. Convincing residents, many of whom have had bad experiences with predatory utility schemes, requires working with church and community groups to earn trust. Community solar also requires legislation that allows for shared renewable energy projects.

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  • Biden caregiving plan: Housing availability, politics hinder transition to more in-home care

    The Money Follows the Person is a federal program that increases access to Medicaid funds for home and community care services for people transitioning out of institutional care. The program has helped more than 101,000 people move out of long-term care facilities into community or home living. The program has also helped people save money by cutting taxpayers’ Medicaid and Medicare bills by about 23% for each person who was moved out of a nursing home or other institution. Based on the program’s success, the current administration is reviewing plans to extend or make Money Follows the

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  • Biden's $400B plan to overhaul home care is 'more of a repair effort than a new direction'

    Several government programs and funding measures are emerging to improve home care options for families in need, such as increasing wages and benefit opportunities for providers. There are also nonprofits like All Things Home Care that provide transportation to area home care workers and represents its workers with a union to afford them better treatment to ensure those in need can still receive necessary care at home.

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  • Germany's Promising Plan to Bring Conspiracy Theorists Back From the Brink

    The German government opened an office, known as Zebra (“not everything is black and white”) to help people dispel misinformation and conspiracy theories. Most clients are seeking help with loved ones who believe in conspiracy theories, misinformation, or are becoming radicalized. Clients receive in-person phone or video appointments with a neutral staff person, who helps them defuse conflicts, find commonalities, and address mental health issues. After the COVID-19 pandemic began much of the program’s work has been aimed at dispelling misinformation about the government’s response and the vaccine.

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  • Despite a Punishing Drought, San Diego Has Water. It Wasn't Easy.

    While much of the state is still facing a severe drought, San Diego has access to plenty of water. Restrictions - like not allowing restaurants to serve water unless it’s asked for and barring residents from watering their yards during the day – have helped. Diversifying where the city gets their water from and investing in water-saving infrastructure, like lining Imperial Valley canals with concrete to prevent water from seeping into the earth, growing desalination capabilities, and adding more capacity to the reservoir, have also helped diversity and save water.

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  • En pandemia se aceleró la digitalización de la atención ciudadana en ciudades y pueblos

    Para continuar con sus tareas y, entre ellas, la atención al público durante la pandemia, varios gobiernos locales en Argentina desarollaron chatbots, líneas 0800, aplicaciones y redes sociales como canales para los trámites que antes se hacían de modo presencial. En una localidad, hubo más de 20.000 descargas de la aplicación del Gobierno en teléfonos móviles y más de 23.000 reclamos realizados a través de ella.

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  • Killing gas guzzlers: what can Lithuania learn from Denmark?

    Transportation accounts for some of the most emissions in the EU, one-third, out of those 72 percent are from road transportation. In Denmark, the government places high tax-rates on vehicles and tax reductions on electric cars. The tax cuts are leading some to switch over to electric cars, and the method might be replicated in other EU countries like Lithaunia.

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  • California outlawed the all-white-male boardroom. That move is reshaping corporate America

    A 2018 law requires all publicly traded companies headquartered in California have at least one woman on their board, and as many as three women by the end of 2021 depending on the company’s size. The law, inspired by those in Europe, caused a ripple effect nationwide where women now occupy 50% more corporate board seats than before California’s law. The Nasdaq exchange became an influential force recently by requiring that nearly all of its listed companies’ boards have one woman and one person of color or a person who identifies as LGBTQ. Despite challenges, federal regulators approved the requirement.

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